Chunin Exams Part 4

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Note: I don't remember the exact order of the plot so just go along with it even if the events are in the wrong order ;P

3 days had past and Naruto and the others had come back from the forest of death.

When I realised everyone looked indifferent and noticed that sasuke was a little different than usual I panicked internally.



The mark.

The death of the third hokage.

Sweat trickled down my forehead when I had come to realise how stupid I was to forget that during the Chunin exams chaos would happen.

I had been sitting back like an idiot for these past 3 days and flexing how easy the chunin exams were! I could've stayed and helped prevent Sasuke from getting the curse mark from orichimaru!

But if I were there, what would happen to the original plot of Naruto?
If I was there to try stop it, would it have changed things entirely?

Stop it Nanami!!!
I bonked my own head a couple of times.
Even if it was meant to happen it doesn't give me an excuse to sit back and spectate when I know it's going to happen!

What do I do? I can't just simply tell someone I trust like Kakashi that the third hokage will simply die by the hands of orichimaru!
And it's impossible for me to go and defeat him by myself considering my strength.

I'm too weak.

"Nanami?" Kakashi waved his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I snapped out of it.

"The battles are starting soon, you won't need to participate but don't you want to watch?"

"My stomach is feeling a little iffy, I'll come back soon!" I said as I ran to the bathrooms.

I sat on the toilet seat and panicked.
What do I do?
I need to do something!
At the very least I can be there to try stop Gaara from transforming.

After what felt like an eternity of me in long thought on what to do suddenly I could hear a scream from outside.

Sakura's voice.
Hurriedly, I rushed over to see what had happened and my eyes widened.

The plot is changing. We hadn't even gone through many battles and yet it's was already Naruto and Gaara battling. This was happening sooner than I thought.

Too soon.

Gaara!" I shouted in panic.

"Naruto get out of there! Everyone stand back!" I yelled.

"Nanami!" Kakashi said.

"That person isn't the kazekage, it's orichimaru in disguise. The kazekage...! has already been assassinated! We need to stop Gaara right now this instant from transforming!" I shouted.

Many people gasped.
Kakashi gazed towards me with uncertainty.

I've blown my cover now that I have informed others on what has happened.
Because of my actions I know I will be questioned about why I have a hold of this information, but our priority right now is to stop Gaara.

Shukaku's tail had already started to appear from Gaara's back.
The features of his jinchuriki had started to take over half his body and half his face.
Gaara held his head in pain and groaned loudly.

His tail swooped the entire stadium into pieces and created large craters on the ground.
I jumped up into the air to avoid the tail whip.

"Full moon mode!" I whispered.
Gaara's jinchuriki attacks will be unpredictable so I need to activate my full moon mode in order to predict and read what he will do.

He started shooting with sand across every direction.

I crossed my arms and concentrated chakra on them to shield myself from the incoming attacks.

The sand ripped the sleeves of my shirt off.
The attacks consistently kept coming while I tried to attempt to approach closer towards Gaara while shielding myself.
I could see that the reason he isn't in his right mind right now is because his head is in a lot of pain right now.

I approached close enough until he had taken notice and had started to form a sand prison around me.

I can't get caught up in this!

That's when Kakashi jumped in and slashed through the sand prison and I managed to escape out through the gap.

"Thanks! I owe you one!" I shouted.
He nodded.

Gaara was concentrated on attacking the others that approaching closer and closing in on him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity I jumped up and landed behind and swiftly grabbed onto his head and immediately forced the chakra to go through my veins and through to my hands. Clenching my eyes in full concentration I tried to ease his headache and while doing so his tail whipped me to the back of the wall leaving a dent.

My back was bleeding and I coughed up some blood.
"NANAMI!" Naruto yelled.
"You...!" He shouted as he created shadow clones and started throwing a bunch of punches while Gaara used his sand to shoot down every clone.

Wiping the blood off my lips I forced myself back onto him and gripped onto his head yet again and concentrated even harder.

His tail tried to get me off but I kept holding on tighter.
"..please!" I begged while clenching my eyes shut.

I started trying to ease his headache and he started shouting in pain and was shaking everywhere.

Kakashi and other people who were helping has closed in on him and held him tightly.
Tightly enough so he couldn't move.

As I kept forcing my chakra through my veins and tried to ease his headache his normal body and face had finally started to appear again.

Parts of shukaku were still all over his body.

"...just a little bit!" I groaned.
My chakra was draining and that's when Kakashi held onto my right shoulder and proceeded to deliver some of his chakra to me.

Thank you so much...!
I thought in my head while continuing to concentrate and at last Gaara's painful groans had started to die down and he was back to normal. Due to the massive amount of power that was used from his body he fainted.

"Someone take him somewhere safe!" I yelled.
A random volunteer stepped in and teleported him somewhere outside of this area.

Shit shit shit!

There's not enough time I have to go to where the third hokage is...!
Where is he?!

To be continued...

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