Fallen Angel (Venable X reader) (1/?)

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31/10/2023- This series is getting majorly edited. Please bear with me. I am working on multiple original pieces as well. This will include me changing the order of chapters and finally finishing it.

Note from 27/7/20: I recommend skipping to The angel among us and then jump back here.

My dumb arse reposted a story I already posted on here instead of this one. Sorry for the mistake. 

Posted from  my tumblr


"Honestly, I'm trying not to think about it at all. I'm more interested in whoever Venable is hiding in her office."

The purples muttered amongst themselves while waiting to be served their nutrition cubes.

A man with long strawberry blonde hair walked into the room, the outpost members guessed he was in his late twenties walked into the room. Following the stranger was a woman an inch shorter. The man was attractive, with a well-defined jaw and piercing blue eyes. The male attracted members of the outpost could already see themselves swooning over him. The woman, or what they assume is a woman, she appeared far younger than her counterpart, was by no means unattractive but she bordered the lined of cute than what would be seen as societally attractive. She wore a long black skirt that hid her shoes, a black shoulder and black corset that barely allowed the white blouse underneath to peek through. She didn't wear the same face of intimidation as the man she was with.

The man addressed the crowd of greys and purples, "My name is Langdon, and this is my associate Y/N L/N." He gestured to you. You smiled widely and waved at the purples. They looked at you confused. "We represent The Cooperative."

"I won't sugarcoat the situation. Humanity is on the brink of failure. Our arrival here was crucial to the survival of civilized life on Earth..." Michael started his long speel about why the two of you were there, yadda yadda, it's all boring to you, you couldn't wait for the more interesting stuff to start. As he talked you took your time to study this outpost's residents. You didn't think twice about half of them, none of them catching your interest.

"We will then use the information gained to determine if you belong." He must be up to telling them about his process of selection, 'The Interview'. We both knew that's bullshit, the whole thing was, you can't learn everything you need from their word of mouth, that's stupid, people lie, you know.

"You don't have to sit for questioning. The process should only take me a couple of days, so you won't be kept in suspense forever. For those of you who don't make the cut, all is not lost. If the worst should happen and feral cannibals come knocking, down one of these. One minute later, you fall asleep and never wake up."

"I volunteer to go first." The man had guts, that or he was stupid. By the quick study of him... stupid, definitely stupid.

"And so you shall," Michael said.

"I look forward to meeting each and every one of you."

"What about y/n? Is she going to be in the interviews too?" Emily asked. "You said you'd be doing the interviews. What about her?"

"We can't get all the information we need from word of mouth," You deadpanned, staring directly at her. She tensed up, her eyes fixed on yours. Everyone felt uneasy. "How are we meant to know how you get on with others, or how adaptable you are simply by interviewing you?"

"We could give examples?" She was unsure of her answer.

"Who's meant to back them up? I can't call your boss or whoever you use as your referee, they're dead. Do I look like a psychic?"

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