I Like To Cuddle

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Simon blamed the booze on his feelings and didn't say anything to his friends about it. The last thing he needed was Alec and Magnus teasing him.

He continued to hang out with Jace, which was actually fun.

Jace had gotten him sold out tickets to a Kanye West concert which blew his mind. Then, the blonde had taken him to Vermont for a weekend of skiing and ice skating; both of which Simon was horrible at. But Jace had fun teaching him. On their way back, Jace suggested that they go to the Bahamas for the summer.

"Really?" Simon asked as Jace drove him back to his apartment. "The Bahamas? OK, being friends with you is spoiling me. How am I going to be OK with my Sunday night dinners with Magnus and Alec. Thanks to you, I have missed two of those."

"Well, you could go tonight." Jace said as they pulled over at Simon's place.

"Yeah." Simon said, thoughtfully. "Hey, you wanna come with?"

"Are you sure?" Jace asked. "Your friends don't like me very much."

"That's not true." Simon said, getting his bag out of the car. "They are just...they'll be fine. Come on! Magnus has these themes he uses for each night. He hasn't let me down yet."

Jace grinned. "Well, if you think it's fine."

"Cool." Simon said. "It'll be fine. I'll come and pick you up at 7.30?"

After Jace left, Simon called Magnus when he got inside.

"I'm sorry, who is this?" Magnus asked, sarcasm heavy in his voice.

"Don't be like that." Simon said, laughing. "I'm sorry. I know I have been...unavailable. But I just got back from Vermont."

"Oh?" Magnus was curious. "Who with? Jace? So you've decided to give it a try?"

"Give what a try?" Simon asked. "He had a thing and he asked me to come with. As I have never been to Vermont, I decided to go."

"So you aren't dating Jace?" Magnus asked slowly.

"I told you, Magnus, we're just friends." Simon huffed impatiently.

"O...K. If you say so." Magnus said. "Are you coming over tonight? Or is your not-boyfriend taking you someplace?"

Simon scowled. "If you're going to be like that, I'll just stay in and watch TV."

"Come on, we miss you." Magnus said. "Will you come? Tonight's theme is going to be a blast."

"OK." Simon sighed. "Can Jace come too? I sorta already invited him but if you don't want him to I can..."

"Oh, no...he can come over." Magnus suddenly sounded frazzled. "In fact the more the merrier."

"Is everything OK?" Simon asked. "You seem...kinda upset."

"No, I'm not fine." Magnus said. "But I'll be fine. Alexander and I...well, it's just a silly argument."

Oh oh.

"When you say 'silly', do you mean Alec's Senior year in college silly or the Austin debacle?"

Magnus chuckled. "No, none of that, thank heavens. He's just being a little...hey babe! Simon's coming with Jace later. That's fine, right?"

There was a little muffled conversation and then Alec's voice came on. "Hey. So are you dating Jace now?"

"Ha ha. You've got jokes, Alexander." Simon said, rolling his eyes. "I know you missed me. Say you did..."

"Well, I wanted to give you time to enjoy your boyfriend." Alec said in amusement. "And don't call me that. Also, what's this I'm hearing about Vermont?"

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