Anything You Want

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I just want to put it out there that I forgot about this story, so forgive me if this chapter is just blah or not that good...


"Herondale, you wanker!" Victor Aldertree shouted when he opened the door. Jace rolled his eyes.

"Hey Victor..." Jace said, rolling his eyes as his friend pulled him into a hug.

"Where the hell have you been?" Victor asked. "The last time I saw you was at that party."

Jace knew the party Victor was talking about. He just hoped his friend would not say anything about...

"You were all over that redhead." Victor chortled. "I actually thought you would fuck her right there on..."

:Yeah, he went there.

"Vic, this is Simon." Jace cut him off. "Simon, this idiot is Victor."

"Hey." Victor frowned. But then he turned to Simon and grinned. "Hello, didn't know this asshole was bringing friends."

"Hi." Simon wasn't smiling.

Victor looked at Jace questioningly. Jace sighed.

"Simon is my..."

"I'm his boyfriend." Simon cut in. "Pleased to meet you."

"Oh." Victor's brows arched upward. Then he grinned. "I'm this wanker's best friend." He threw an arm over Simon's shoulders. "I'm hurt he didn't introduce you to me before now."

"That's because I knew you'd be stupid." Jace said, following them as Victor led Simon into the house.

Simon looked around the foyer of the house with eyes wide. 'House' was a loose term for Victor's home. As a trust fund baby with divorced parents who did all they wanted to buy their son's affections, Victor was set for life. He could decide to laze away until he was 80 without working if he wanted. But he ran a youth centre on the grounds during the summer for inner city kids.

Victor lived in a huge 8 bedroom mansion on Coney Island. He lived with his boyfriend and girlfriend and several pets.

Sometimes, Jace was envious of Victor's lifestyle, especially right now when Simon was staring like he was at the North Pole and had just discovered that Santa was real. But Jace knew he didn't have the energy Victor had, so...

"Do you live here alone?" Simon asked.

"What?" Victor asked. "Fuck, no. I'd go crazy. Raj and Liz are around here somewhere. The dogs are outside." He turned to Jace. "So, mon ami, what brings you here? You ditch me for weeks and you just show up here."

"We want to shoot something." Jace said. "Simon decided to do my thing with me. So I brought him here."

Victor grinned. "Sweet, I'll get the team together."


Jace opened his eyes and winced at the headache. He was in an unfamiliar room with a familiar warm body pressed against his chest. He buried his face in the back of Simon's neck and inhaled.

Last night's activities brought a smile to his face. Simon had had fun and Jace was relieved about that. They had gotten stupidly drunk and the game had devolved to each of them trying to one up the other by trying to shoot at bottles, Liz had helped line up.

Simon had passed out sometime after midnight on the porch. Jace didn't know when he had gotten to bed, but somehow he had dragged Simon with him into one of the bedrooms.

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