Jinyoung - Kiss

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The door slammed shut, informing you of Jinyoung's arrival to the apartment. 

You stared straight ahead at the TV, ignoring him as he walked into the living room. You heard him sigh at your refusal to acknowledge him and put his keys on the coffee table in front of the sofa. 

The sofa dipped as he sat on the other side of it and clicked his tongue in annoyance. 

After few minutes of silence, Jinyoung spoke up, "Are you going to continue to put this up?" 

You turned your head towards him and asked, "Keep up what?" 

Seeing Jinyoung's silence, you narrowed your eyes and asked again, "Keep what up, Jinyoung," 

This time it was Jinyoung's turn to ignore you and you felt yourself getting increasingly aggravated. However you tried to calm yourself before things escalated again. 

You stood up from the sofa and said, "I'm going to serve dinner," and walked away towards the kitchen. 

As you had prepared dinner earlier, there was not much for you to do, accept heat up the food you had cooked earlier. As you were serving the food onto the plates, you felt Jinyoung walk into the kitchen, and silently start to help you. 

The both of you ate your dinner in silence, and you turned on the TV to ease the tension in the room. When you were done, Jinyoung wordlessly got up and washed the dishes while you ended up cleaning up. 

You both were pretty much done with your household jobs, and the silence was starting to eat at you. As much as you wanted to keep up with your silence, you knew Jinyoung will continue on as well and one of you had to start talking. 

Right before Jinyoung left the kitchen, you stopped him, "Can we talk?" 

Jinyoung stopped in his tracks and turn around, and you heard him sigh, causing a trigger in you to snap but you held back. 

"What?" Jinyoung asked, arms crossed against his chest. 

"Can we talk in a civil manner?" You asked him, leaning against the kitchen counter and Jinyoung nodded and took a tiny step  towards you. 

"Why are you so upset?" Jinyoung asked you

"Because you didn't tell me," You shot back immediately and Jinyoung could feel the anger in your voice. 

"It's just a kiss, Y/N!" Jinyoung said, throwing his hands in the air. 

"Exactly!" You clapped back, "Why didn't you tell me you have a kissing scene," 

"It's a scene. It's not even real. I didn't think you even cared," 

"I don't care about you kissing someone else for your drama, but I do care if you can't tell me about it and I have to found out from my colleagues." You said, feeling frustrated, "Not even my friends Jinyoung. My colleagues who I only talk to at work. Imagine how stupid I felt. My own boyfriend didn't even tell me he had a kissing scene," 

Jinyoung took a hasty step towards you and said, " I didn't tell you because it wasn't a big deal and I thought you would be more mature about," 

You rolled your eyes and say, "Oh sure. Let's see how mature you will be when I have to kiss someone for work." 

"Stop being so petty," Jinyoung said, and although you knew he said it in anger, you couldn't help but feel hurt. 

You lower your gaze to the floor and take a deep breath. "You know what, this was a bad idea," You mumble and start to leave the kitchen. However when you walk past Jinyoung to leave, he caught your arm by your elbow and held you back. 

You felt exhausted, not in the mood to argue anymore and weakly said, "Let go of me Jinyoung," 

Instead you felt him tighten his grip on your arm and pull you back so you were standing in front of him. 

You stared at him and he looked back at you before saying, "I'm sorry. I should've told you earlier," 

You searched his face and saw sincerity in his face. "I'm sorry too," You said, truly meaning your apology and released your self from his grip. 

"I'm tired," You told him and start to leave again, only to be stopped once again by Jinyoung grabbing your wrist. 

You turn around in your spot, as Jinyoung turned around in his and start to say, "What-", however your words are caught in your throat as Jinyoung pulls you towards him, causing you to collide into him. 

"What are you doing?" You start again and you felt Jinyoung stare at your lips. 

As you start to speak again, Jinyoung cupped your face and said, "Shut up before I kiss you", his voice coming out as a growl. 

You instantly shut up as Jinyoung slammed his lips against yours, taking you aback by the intensity of the kiss. His lips moved feverishly against yours and he instantly took control. You let out a little gasp as he bit on your lower lip and he quickly inserted his tongue into you mouth, causing the both of your tongues to dance around. 

Jinyoung backed you up against the wall as his hands slipped underneath your shirt, remaining on your waist, while you wrapped your hands around his neck. 

The both of you continued to make out until you ran out of breath and he pulled back for air, the both you's heavy breaths becoming background music. 

"Are you still too tired," Jinyoung asked, his voice raspy and you quickly shook your head. 

He grinned at you, before lifting you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist, and he captured your lips into another intense kiss. 

Helloooo. So since I have alot of free time on my hands now, I've decided to update more often, maybe about once in every four days. Let's see how this goes though. 

I really want to say thank you to all of you have read this so far. It's been sixth months since I started this and I can't believe I have 1.8 K + reads. It really means so much to me and I never thought I actually would ever get this far. 

I've decided to start another fan fiction, which is actually going to be a spiderman one, and the first chapter has been up on my profile for a while. I'm going to start updating that regularly and it will have a proper storyline, so if any of you are into Marvel or spiderman, please check it out. 

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