Jackson - Nightmare

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You jolt up from your bed and sit up straight, breathing heavily. 

Putting a hand on your chest to clam down your beating heart, you closed your eyes  tightly as if it will remove the images in your brain. 

You look down to your right to see a figure bundled up next to you. You had slept early last night and didn't even realize when Jackson came back home from his schedules. 

Reaching over to the nightstand, you grabbed your phone to check the time to see that it was only around three in the morning. 

Breathing in deeply, you silently got off the bed and decided to go to the balcony to calm yourself down a bit more. 

Stepping onto the balcony, a cool spring breeze hit you and you immediately felt comforted.  You always loved the weather between spring and summer and the pleasant wind made you feel better. 

You felt wide awake now and slightly regretted not going back to sleep immediately, but you knew that you wouldn't have been able to sleep anyways after the nightmare you had. You leaned on the railing, looking at the view of the city in front of you as your mind behgan to ponder around. 

You were startled when you heard the glass door, which connected the balcony to the room, open. You turned around to see Jackson stepping out onto the balcony. 

"What are you doing? Go back to sleep" You said. 

Jackson didn't reply and instead yawned, rubbing his eyes and making your heart melt in the process. He took a step closer to you and engulfed you into a hug instead. 

"Jackson" You say and this time he hums in reply. 

"Why are you awake. Go back to sleep baby" You tell him.

"I heard you get up" Jackson mumbled, still hugging you, "The bed feels empty without you" 

Jackson pulled away from you so that he was facing you, and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "You know you can always wake me up when you have a bad dream." He told you. 

"It was nothing serious. And you need to get your sleep" You tell him. 

"I can't get sleep if you're not getting it either" He replies. Jackson then leans in kissed you softly on your lips. 

When he pulls away, you turn around in his arms so that your back is towards him and he is hugging you from your backside. 

"It's so pretty in the night" You say, referring to the city, "I wish we could always be like this," 

Jackson kisses the back of your bed and says, "Every time you have a bad dream, I want you to wake me up and tell me all about it" 

A small smile appears on your face and you knew Jackson would not give in until he hears what he wants. 

"Okay" You say, "Come on. Let's sleep" 

The both of you walk back into the room, and when you lay back onto the bed, Jackson pulls you close to him and hugs you all night long. 

Happy Bambam day everyone!!! It's so hot where I live today, I can feel my skin melt away. I'm curious, do you guys prefer short imagines or long ones? Is the length of this imagine perfect or would you like a bit longer ones? 

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