The Preparation

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(Sacrificed my sanity, work, and sleep by designing the Sunny Smiles Family's mask. Destroyed four designs, and decided on this one.)

*The story is fictional and not true*

"So you knew about them? This  entire time?!" Ethan exclaims.

Peace sat on her bed, a distant look in her eyes, as Ethan continued to ramble.
Blake stood by his sister's bedside.
The Captain sat on a stool on the other side of the room.

"They're crazy." Blake speaks up.

"Their ways of teaching are...odd." Peace adds in.

Ethan rose a brow at this statement.

"How did you know about them?" Ethan asks, folding his arms.

Blake gave Peace a panicked look. Peace softly shook her head at her brother's actions.

"We've encountered one of them in the past. Brutal people, to be honest." Peace stated, as she shifted her focus onto Ethan.

The sound of glass shattering suprised the group.
Blake's hand shook. Beneath him was the glass of orange juice, that he was holding for his sister earlier.
Tears began to bubble in his eyes.

"Blake...?" Peace softly calls out to her older brother.

"I-I'm sorry...I just-...some memories are best left dead for me." Blake stammered.

Ethan observed Blake's sudden break down, as the black-haired male began to choke on his soft sobs.
Peace held her brother's hand in comfort.

"Why don't you go home for today? I'm sure Yann is worried about you." Peace suggests.

"W-what about you?" Blake says, between hiccups.

"I've got Magic man, Captain, and trusty gun. I'll be fine." Peace reassures.

After a couple of sobs, Blake nodded, and planted a short kiss on Peace's forehead.

"Be safe?" He asked.

"No promises." Peace replies with a grin.

Blake let out a soft chuckle, before leaving the room.
As soon as the door was shut, the Captain scoffed.

"Lucky b*stard. I'm older than him, but he gets married off before me." The Captain states.

"Your just jealous." Peace retorts.

"His wife's Asean, and got great cleavage! Not to mention the way that woman punches!!" The Captain exclaims.

*Asean= like Asian people.

Peace looked at the Captain in disgust.

"I'm telling Yann that you said that." Peace informs.

Ethan cleared his throat, which got the General and the Captain's attention.

"Can we focus on what we were talking about earlier, please?" Ethan state.

The Captain let out a brief cough, before sitting up straighter.

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