He Gets Into A Fight

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Thanks namjesus2k19 !!

There is an authors note at the end! It'd be awesome if you'd read it, it has details on how I'll be updating!!

Todoroki's POV

I walked down the street, YN's fingers intertwined with mine. She talked about how stupid someone was during one of her shifts at work when I began hearing another voice.

They called us some pretty rude things, following behind us. "Don't mind, YN." I whispered as she nodded, trying to continue the story. I instructed the man to stop politely and then after he third time, I dropped the 'please'. The voice got louder and ruder, also beginning to verbally attack specific sensitive areas of YN. I squeezed her hand and let go.

I threw a fist at the mans face, chest, and kicked his shins. I grabbed YN's hand again after instructing him one more time to stop. He continued and things got worse. I let go of YN and grabbed the mans shirt collar. "I said stop. You don't talk about my girl like that. Nobody does." I said, throwing him back. He tried to throw hands as I blocked and dodged every blow.

YN was calling authorities while to fight continued. I grabbed the main and pinned him to a wall. "Are you going to stop?!" I asked. "No, why would I? She's such a-" before he could finish, I punched him in the face again.

Authorities arrived and I apologized to them. They said they wouldn't give me a fine due to the nearly sexual harassment I was stopping and thanked me, pulling the man away.

YN hugged me and began to cry. "Please don't do that again." She cried. I didn't realize how much I had scared her. "I'm sorry." I said, turning her face to mine and kissing her.

Hello friends!! So, I'm so sorry if this is lengthy but let's get right to it.

I just want to say politely that requests are closed at the moment ONLY BECAUSE corona chaos AND I have a crap ton of chapters to release and write.

I will be updating this story but once I'm caught up, requests will be opening up again.

Thank you all so so much for your patience and support. Only because of you, I am where I am right now.

Thank you all once again! Stay safe!!!

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