Chapter 1

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 The stars sparkled overhead sne womehere overhead cried an owl, its haunting cry sending chills up Owlkit's spine. She wished that she could she this owl that was constantly filling her dreams, but suddenly, Owlkit's world shattered as something heavy jumped on top of her. She opened her eyes as a bundle of brown tabby fur tumbled to the nursery floor. The kit landed on his back, his nose a mouse length away from Owlkit's.

"Oakkit." Owlkit grumbled at her brother. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, Owlkit." Another voice spoke from behind Owlkit and Oakkit. "We were just playing." Two kits ran around to face Owlkit. Her oldest brother, Rushkit, and her only sister Blossomkit.

"Are you okay?" Rushkit questioned, helping Owlkit to her paws.

"Yeah I'm fine." Owlkit shook a stray peace of moss from her white pelt.

"Wanna go outside?" Oakkit questioned, jumping to his paws. "I wanna see the camp!"

"If Briarrose lets us." Blossomkit mewed, staring at her paws. "She doesn't want us going outside.

"That's when were small and sick." Oakkit countered. "We're not small or sick--" He cut himself off as she caught Owlkit's eyes. Oakkit flattened his ears. "W-Well most of aren't'

Owlkit began feeling insecure once again, she cast her gaze away from her littermates. Owlkit and her littermates and been born early and were also unexpected. Owlkit had been born last and had been told many times that whens he was born she had been as small as a mouse. Before the cold season had even hit, when they're were barley a moon old they all came down with an illness that killed their brother, Firekit.

Owlkit didn't really remember her brother, she didn't remember anything from that time but her dreams. She had heard stories, how she and Firekit had been the sickest. Firekit died and so had she, Pbebblestep explained how she was able to bring breath back into her body.

However, despite surviving the illness and her siblings rapidly grown into normal sized kits for their age, Owlkit was the size of a moon old kit and had a cough that she just couldn't shake. Pebblestep, Honeyfrost and Briarrose always looked at her like she was a brittle leaf, at risk of crumbling at the slightest misstep. I'm stronger than I look. Owlkit always had to remind herself.

"Owlkit is just as capable as the three of us are." Rushkit spoke, stepping beside Owlkit. She glanced up at her brother gratefully, Rushkit was always there to support her.

"We'll talk to Briarrose about it." Blossomkit mewed. "She can't keep is trapped in the nursery forever. We'll be apprentices in three moons."

"She should come back soon." Rushkit mentioned. Briarrose was off on her of her regular check-ups with the medicine cats. Briarrose had nearly died giving birth and had been struggling ever since.

The four kits waiting in the nursery until Briarrose returned, usually Heatherflight and Squirreltail were in the nursery btu Squirreltail was with her family and Owlkit was uncertain of where Heatherflight had gone.

Briarrose stepped into the nursery smelling strongly of herbs, herbs that Owlkit knew all too well. She made visits to the medicine cat at least once a moon, and anytime her cough would act up. She had continues died of coltsfoot, tansy and juniper berries.

"Briarrose!' Oakkit ran up to her, circling around Brairrose's legs.

"Hi there." Briarrose purred with amusement. "I wasn't gone to that long." She chuckled.

"Well..." Oakkit stepping backwards, getting in line with his siblings. "We were wondering if...."

"If we could go outside and explore the camp." Ruskkit stepped forward, finishing his brother's sentence.

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