Chapter 22

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Owlpaw opened her eyes, she found herself not in the cavern she had been sleeping in, but on the cliff overlook above Sheer Mountain's cavern. She could smell a familiar, sweet scent. It's Mosscloud's scent. Owlpaw twisted in a circle, trying to spot the StarClan she-cat. "Mosscloud? Are you here?"

Movement caught her eyes and Owlpaw glanced up towards the sky. The stars began to move, several of them floated downwards and in front of Owlpaw, took the shape of a cat. The shape filled with the tortoiseshell pattern of Mosscloud. "Good evening, Owlpaw." Mosscloud dipped her head. "How are you tonight?"

"Excited to see you." Owlpaw explained. "Do you have any guidance for me? About our mission?"

"Perhaps." Mosscloud set down, resting her tail across her paws. "What kind of guidance are you seeking?"

Owlpaw sighed. "I want to tell Sheer Mountain about this mission, but I'm not sure how she will take it. She's been expressing interest in the Clans, and she shows the traits of a leader but she doesn't believe in StarClan. I think it's the right thing to do to. Hiding won't help anything.."

"If you believe it is the right thing to do, Owlpaw, then it is." Mosscloud spoke, her words making Owlpaw feel confused. "This is your mission, not mine. Not anymore."

"Then why are you visiting me if this is my mission?"

"Because I am your guide beyond the Clans." Mosscloud explained. "You can tell Sheer Mountain about this mission, but it won't mean anything if Sheer Mountain doesn't believe in StarClan. She can't become a leader without nine lives."

"Then what do I do?"

"Convince Sheer Mountain to open her mind, to open her heart. Once she does that, I will be able to reach her then it will become my task. I can show her the stars, and she'll have believe in us."

"So you'll help me?" Owlpaw questioned.

"I will, though you'll be doing the hard part." Mosscloud let out a mrrow of laughter. "I'll be with you, Owlpaw. The stars are behind you, always."


Owlpaw opened her eyes, she was back in her nest and the early morning light was shinning through the cave entrance. Owlpaw slowly rose to her paws. Most of her travel mates were still sleeping except for Slatepaw and Leafdawn who were presumably out hunting, and Berryheart who had been keeping guard through the night.

Owlpaw padded over to Nettle, the rogue was sleeping soundly. She sniffed her wounds, they smelled only of herbs. The infection was completely gone now, and all they were waiting on was her body to heal itself.

Owlpaw did a quick wrap change without waking the slumbering she-cat and ventured out into the cavern. The morning was chilly, the scent of dew heavy on the air. Owlpaw breathed a sigh of content before padding over to the fresh-kill pile and picking up a mouse.

As she slowly ate her morning prey, Owlpaw began to think about her dream with Mosscloud. The stars are behind you, always. Her words rang in Owlpaw's mind like an echo. I need to tell Sheer Mountain, but how? Owlpaw wondered. How will she react? Ever since Raptor's death, the two of them had regained their friendship.

I need to go on a walk with her. Owlpaw thought, staring up at the sky, faint wisps of clouds scattered across the pale blue surface. I don't think she'll throw us out, but I don't think she will take it very well. Owlpaw stared at her half-eaten mouse, anxiety ripping through her entire body. I can do this. I can do this. This is my mission. The stars are behind me.

As her mind raced, Owlpaw spotted Sheer Mountain stepping out of her den. She stretched out in the pale sunlight and let out a yawn. She looked behind her, presumably checking on the kits before stepping into the open cavern. She looked around, setting her eyes on Owlpaw. She trotted slowly over to the apprentice. "Good morning, Owlpaw." Sheer Mountain dipped her head.

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