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WARING: there gonna be yaoi and story will be short I think.. because I don't tell how they doing and I live in was lazy soooooo enjoy


Everyone wakes, of course Jin say everyone doing again.
Poli and Roy go back to forest, they don't talk wich other when happened yesterday..

Then Roy woring of quaiting

Roy: so umm you love me right?

Poli: uuhh mmm

Poli don't know what to say Roy and he just say

Poli: let's just go ok..?

Roy: Okay. . .

Say Roy and again don't talk..
Roy can't just go wich Poli, he just push him and go wich him but he on Poli (like I say there gonna be yaoi 7w7)

Poli: u-umm R-roy w-w-what a-are you d-doing-

Poli not done to talk to him when Roy just shut his mouth and now he blushing. Roy done kiss him, Poli say this



But Roy not tell him, and then he say that when Poli are really blushing, Roy say

Roy: I know you want it..

He smile and he bit by a neck to Poli

Poli: A-ah~..

Say Poli, Roy and Poli doing this night 7w7

Only 211 I text it, I told you guys will be short, I don't tell how they doing this night you are already know  and when I text this Roy bit by a neck and Poli say a-ah~.. my nose is bleeding this 7w7

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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