Studio Sex + bang chan

941 9 2

Original writer- bruh-changbin 

pairing: soft dom!chris x female reader

warnings: unprotected sex, semi-public sex (nothing too wild though luv)

word count: 624


chan's thrusts into you are fluid yet passionate as he slowly and lazily fucks you into the leather couch in the studio, which is now sticky with sweat. chan's head was shoved into the crook of your neck as he lazily nipped and sucked at the junction your neck and shoulder, prompting you to card your fingers through his now damp dark hair.

you had decided to pay your boyfriend a quick visit to give him some more pineapple juice while he grinded out new tracks in his studio. after you gave chan his juice, you decided to stick around to keep him company. the two of you wasted an hour or two scrolling through tik tok and joking around with each other, just enjoying each other's company. after some time, chan began to play some songs off of his computer, some of his own and some by other artists. majority of the tracks he chose to play were slow and sensual, which is what led the two of you to be in your current position.

the steady beat of baekhyun's stay up filled the small space of the studio as chan continued his assault on your entrance, his mouth creating a slick trail from your neck down to your chest. you let out a faint breathy moan of his name as he begins to kiss down the valley of your tits, inducing you to close your eyes and let the music and chan's body take over you.

you begin feel the knot in your stomach tighten as chan removes his lips from your chest and reconnects them with your own. in an attempt to reach your high, you subtly begin to roll your hips upward in time with chan's thrusts, which are now more intense as he chases his own orgasm.

chan detaches his mouth from yours before gingerly sucking and tugging on your earlobe with his teeth and lips. "mmm... are you close babygirl?" he raspily growls into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "uh-huh - i need something more though channie." you respond to him as you tenderly drag your nails down the pale skin of his back.

chan starts to slide his length in and out of you with a heightened intensity before his hand drifts down to where the two of you connect. his slender fingers rub your clit in small and fast circles and within a few moments, your release washes over you. you curl your toes at the magnitude of the feeling, stars exploding behind your closed eyelids as you elicit a loud whine.

chan finishes momentarily after you do, his thrusts aid in riding out your own orgasm as he bites down on your shoulder and emits a deep groan before you feel his hot cum fill you up. since you're on the pill, you don't mind. you lay on the couch in euphoria as you stare up at the ceiling while you regain your breath. chan is collapsed on top of you, beads of sweat rolling down his neck to his shoulders as he tries to regain his composure as well.

"thanks for keeping me company tonight y/n. usually i'm just alone in the studio but i really had a great time tonight." chan mumbles as he slowly pulls himself away from you before lightly placing a chaste kiss on your forehead. "i had a great time too" you say as you flash him a small smile as he gets up and hands you your clothes. the two of you take your time getting changed before you exit the building into the crisp night air.

the next morning, jisung and changbin almost vomit as they sit down on the couch and find it sticky.

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