Tied Timer

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Synopsis: Felix was pretty confident all he needed was 10 minutes.

Warning: Felix's tongue, that's all I'm gonna say.

Original Author-midnight4krisis

Count: 1k

"Oh come on!" Felix groaned into your mouth, detaching your lips to lean back and glare at your phone buzzing on the coffee table, ringing for the 4th time in the past hour and rudely interrupting his advances each time. "Go on, take it" he sighed and dragged his needy body off of you, reaching from across the couch to grab your phone and hand it to you.

Sorry you mouth at Felix's pout before answering your mom. "Yeah-I know it's late but okay, okay I'll be right over"

"Nooo" Felix whined dramatically, burying his face in your lap in frustration, his deep voice muffled by your tie waist skirt causing you to giggle at the tickling sensation.

"I'm so sorry," you stroked his hair "but it's not gonna work out tonight"

"but it's not even 10 yet!" He yelled between your thighs again. "How it that late?"

"It is when they know we're alone." You murmured annoyingly.

"Dammit Jeongin, if only he could lie for once instead of willingly telling them they left us at the dorm." He turned on his cheek, resting his head more comfortably under your caressing hand.

"He wouldn't have needed to answer them in the first place if you had let me pick up the first time." You rolled your eyes.

"I mean, it's the first night we get alone in forever and I barely even used my special guy." He looked up and jiggled his eyebrows.

"Ew Felix!" you said, playfully pushing him off the couch with the leg he was resting on. "too direct, too direct"

"Ouch!" Felix laughed grabbing the edge of the couch. "I meant my tongue!"

"That's even worse, oh my God" You joined the laughter. "Don't ever talk dirty"

"Oh yeah?" He quickly climbs on top of you again. "Cause I bet you won't be saying that about my tongue when it's deep in your-"

"Stop!" You laughed louder, hitting him lightly on the chest as you felt blood rush to your cheeks.

He caught your wrists and pushed them behind your head, leaning harder against you. "You'll be screaming my name louder than that." His tone remained playful but his sharp eyes pierced right through you, halting your laughter. "I'll taste every bit of your sweet body and make you beg for more" he smirked, biting the tip of his tongue.

You scoffed and turned your head to cover your smile. "Suuuure. Well, too bad we don't have much time for that."

Felix chuckled and breathed over your ear, his voice growing deeper and sending shivers down your spine "Sweetie, I only need 10 minutes."

You hissed at his sudden nibble on your ear, shifting your body underneath him, but his grip got tighter. "Felix-" you held back your moans as he moved to your neck with a trail of wet kisses, and hastily started sucking marks onto your skin.

"Felix, I'm serious I have to be there in 15 minutes max" You painfully spoke, trying your best to hold back your signs of pleasure.

He stopped and sat up, frowning, your wrists still caught in his hand "I was serious as well"

"What?" You squinted your eyes in confusion.

"10 minutes." He said with a sly smirk spreading across his face. "That's all it will me take to get you off"

You smirked back, trying to ignore the wetness growing between your thighs at his remark. "Well, if you're that confident, show me what you got."

He grinned wider and slickly unwrapped the tied belt around your skirt with one hand, the other joining your wrists over your head. "I can't have any interruptions this time" he said.

"Wait wha-"

He vigorously tied you up before you can complain, his sudden action leaving you in utter shock. You have never seen this side of Felix before, and that newfound assertion enticed you beyond words.

"10:8," Felix said after grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "By 10:12 you'll be begging" he set his phone down, "by 10:15 you'll be screaming" his thumb pulling down your lower lip seductively "and by 10:18 you'll be a beautiful mess" and you bit his thumb in approval, earning a pleased chuckle from him.

You gulped at the sight of him lifting your shirt eagerly, not wasting a second as his tongue traced its way up towards your covered breasts, stopping to run his cold hands over the burning skin of your back to unbuckle your bra. You bent back in anticipation as one hand traveled between your legs, spreading them apart to land right over your clothed slit. His other hand cupped one of your breasts, while his mouth hovered over the other.

All the senses overwhelmed you with frustration, and your body wouldn't stop rolling, but soon your whimpers were replaced with a stream of soft moans as all his ends were set into action, rubbing frantically at your soaked underwear and cupped breast while licking and sucking your erect nipple.

Felix knew all your weaknesses, and exactly how to use them, and he also knew the power that gave him over you. "Ugh, you're so wet already, should we make them 8?" He smirked as he pressed his fingers into your slit and lightly bit your nipple, and you fought so hard to not scream his name for the whole neighborhood to hear.

"Try your best to hold it back now." he said mischievously, roughly pulling your briefs down and gliding his hands all over your body on his way between your legs. You started worrying your lip might bleed from how hard you bit to stop your whines.

Although the clock was ticking, Felix's movements were smart, not rushing as he started devouring you in every right way. You couldn't stop your hips from bolting upwards, erupting a groan from his mouth to vibrate through you.

"F-felix" your legs desperately sprung around his back, burying him further inside you. You wanted so badly to feel him, to pull his hair harder than he was fucking you with his tongue, but you can only moan his name in frustration at the restraints hindering you.

It was over for you the second he introduced his fingers, and he pulsed them through one of the best orgasms you ever had. He licked them off of your essence slowly, eyes lingering on yours with a deviant grin. You hit him playfully with your knee, making him laugh "what? You loved it didn't you?"

You couldn't stop smiling this time "Just shut up and untie me" and he obliged.



"It's 10:22"

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