(Mystreet) Aaron

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Aaron x Fem!'Innocent'!Rebel!Reader

(Everyone thinks you are innocent but you really are not. You were at first, but then one little thing happened that ruined everything and changed you)

Words: 2548

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/n's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

___Flashback to back in high school___ 

(Aaron is a senior, and you are a sophomore)

I looked at the boy in my werewolf class. My boyfriend. Aaron Lycan.

"Hi babe, we need to talk at lunch." he said looking at me, as he sat next to me.

"Okay baby," I said to him smiling. 'Maybe he's gonna take me on a real date. Not just a mini sleepover with just the two of us, with takeout and cuddling, not that I'm complaining about that though...' I smiled to myself yet again as the teacher, Mr Kevin, walked in and started class.

___Time-skip to lunch___

I opened up my bento box and then opened my chopsticks up, and began to eat the sushi I had made yesterday. Aaron walked up next to me and brought me into the halls.

"Babe, I think we should break up..." My eyes started to water a little and my breath became uneven.


"You're, you're a good kid. Just being with me will ruin your reputation. You're a goody two shoes. I hope you understand ba- Y/n... I'm sorry..." The tears fell from my eyes.

"I-it's okay... I-i understand Aaron," I said as the tears leaked down my face and I looked down, the teardrops falling on the floor one right after another. I walked to the lunch room, and I looked around a little. I walked over to my sushi and finished eating it. I closed up my lunch box and went to go put it in my locker. I quickly walked to the girls bathroom and washed my face clean of tears. I walked out and I looked outside. I saw some of my closest friends, Gene, Zenix, and Sasha all outside the school, spray painting. I walked out of the school. Gene immediately saw me and smiled, but then saw my bloodshot eyes and looked kinda worried. He ran over to me and started to ask me what happened.

"N/n, what happened? Who did this to you? Do I need to kill anyone?"

I laughed a little to myself. "No Gene, you don't have to kill anyone..."

"What happened then?" Sasha asked from beside me.

"Aaron broke up with me for being 'too good' what ever the fucking hell that means." All of them looked shocked, and just stared at me. Sasha was the first to speak up.

"I like the new Y/n..." she said with a smirk. I smiled at her, an almost evil grin. "Wanna skip?" she asked.

"Sure..." Gene said.

"It's not like we have anything better to do..." Zenix said.

"Let's change out of these uniforms then I'm in." I said."Do you have any extra clothes I can wear Sasha?"

She nodded at me. "Let's meet back here in 15 minutes." We all nodded and Sasha and I were off to her locker, then the bathrooms to change, and Gene and Zenix went to change. 

(Sasha's Outfit)

(Sasha's Outfit)

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