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"Eddiebear hurry up we need to be there before 4:30!" Eddie Kaspbrak's mother called from downstairs, her voice sounding just as irritating as usual.

Eddie sighed looking at the wooden door that was open leading to his bedroom. It looked bland and boring, the same design since forever.

The air in Eddie's room felt thick, dusty somehow. Though Eddie knew well that his room was far from dusty.

Eddie looked back down to his bed, zipping up his brown duffel bag and swinging it over his shoulder.

He packed 10 shirts. 3 pairs of shorts. 4 pairs of jeans. 1 pair of sweatpants. 11 pairs of underwear. 7 pairs of socks. A sun hat. Flip flops. A towel. A sleeping bag. A swim suit. His medicine. And all of his bathroom necessities.

Eddie grabbed his pillow and his notebook and put them under his arm.

The air in his room started to feel more and more thick as he took a more breaths of the warm air.

His hands were rather sticky, and shaky. He felt sick. He always felt sick.

He sighed as he took one last look around the room. A dull blank room that was really so boring, to think Eddie had spent his entire life living in it.

Eddie walked outside his room, gently closing the door making sure to cause no disturbance. He then tiptoed down his wooden stairs, as quietly as possible.

As he reached the main floor he found his mother standing by the door. A rather impatient and angry look on her face.

A look that sent a chill down Eddie's spine, making him uncomfortable.

"Edward, you took well over 5 minutes to get down here." Sonia, Eddie's mother, said in a stern deep voice. One that scared Eddie to his core.

"I apologize mommy, it won't happen again." Eddie said sadly feeling ashamed. His heart dropped hoping he wasn't in trouble but he let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding in when he heard his mother's response.

"Good boy, go load your stuff into the car, did you pack your medicine?" Sonia asked while digging around in her pocket to find the keys to the car.

"Yes mommy." Eddie said looking down at the floor not feeling like looking into his mothers eyes.

"Good boy, go now." Sonia said her keys shaking as she waved Eddie out the door.

Eddie nodded and walked out the door quickly, the cool summer air was refreshing, the smell of fresh cut grass and flowers hitting him like a gently mist.

Eddie looked to his light pink car, it wasn't very nice. He never quite got a good look at it, it was quite ugly, like most things in Eddie's home seemed to appear.

The trunk of the car was already open so Eddie walked up to it, his feet gently patting against the cement driveway.

Eddie quickly packed his stuff into the car, leaving his notebook under his arm, as he planned to use it during the long car ride.

Eddie quickly shut the trunk after finishing his task.

The trunk made a rather loud clank upon Eddie closing it. The sound caused Eddie to jump back.

Eddie took a deep breath and grabbed his inhaler from his black fanny pack and took a puff. The fresh air beginning to circle through his lungs again.

The small boy stopped shaking and walked to the backseat and opened the car door and carefully closed it to avoid anymore loud noises.

Eddie sat down inside the small car and took out his only pen from his pocket and opened his notebook.

Summer Camp |reddie|Where stories live. Discover now