chapter 4

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Virgil POV:
Should I ask Roman...I can't right.....he'd hate me....I'm sure!
*knock knock*
Roman walked in. He walked slowly to my bed and sat next to me.
"H....hey Vi....Virgil..."
"What's making the great Roman stutter"
Secretly I was wanting to tell him everything.
"I like someone and I don't think they like me"
Great he already likes someone else.
"Just tell them tomorrow, plan a really nice way to ask them out" I said trying to sound happy for him. I wanted to curl up and die, my crush liked someone else and I'll never get over him.
"OK" he skipped away and started planning.
Romans POV:
Let me start to plan how to ask the dark child out...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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