Chapter 16

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    She was flying again.  Soaring through the sky over the world.  She could feel the warm wind blowing on her face, pulling at her hair.  She was warm, comfortable and at peace. She loved this dream. She snuggled into her pillow and sighed heavily.  A heavy arm touched her back and she smiled faintly, not caring who touched her…

      Who was touching her?!

     Her eyes snapped open and she found her cheek pressed closely onto Wolf's chest.  The little spines that went down his chest in a line were poking her gently, not hurting her but not comfortable either.  She was slowly becoming aware that she was on top of him.  Literally.  Her legs were on either side of his waist, he was so large beneath her that her knees weren't touching the bed, her shins were. 

      He had a heavy arm on the dip in her lower back, his gauntlet was imprinting itself in her flesh, she could already tell.  Christ, his arm was heavy, but so comforting. She wasn't going to shy away from it. She missed contact, any contact.

     Sara licked her lips and wondered briefly how she was going to get out of this position.  There was no way he wasn't waking up, she was touching him with her entire front. Her breasts were flattened completely against him, and though it felt odd, she actually liked it.  He was warm, and even if he was hard, it wasn't uncomfortable. 

      Then she noticed he wasn't vibrating, or purring.  She swallowed. He must be awake then. She raised her head and peeked at his face.  His eyes were opened, he was staring at the ceiling and as soon as he felt her movement, he glanced down at her.  The discolored eye focusing on her just as intently as the amber one. 

     She licked her lips and smiled tentatively at him while she chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry…" she mumbled, feeling her face flush with colour, "I didn't mean…" she trailed off and placed a hand against his chest as she pushed herself up. 

     His eyes remained on her face, despite the fact that she reared up on him.  One of her hands was touching him while the other was across her breasts, shielding them ineffectively.  After a few moments she didn't bother shielding them and placed both hands on his chest. Even reared up, her knees barely touched the furs.

      She was about to get off him when both his clawed hands grabbed her thighs, and held her in place.  She froze and her eyes found his. His mandibles spread and he started purring. His entire body vibrating with it.  Her eyes widened as she noticed something else, her vagina was in close contact with his abdomen. His purring vibrated against her clitoris in a way that she had not expected and her nails dug into his chest a little as she made fists.  Oh boy… this was… different…

     Sara made a second attempt at removing herself from him when he sat up suddenly and wrapped his arms around her back, hugging her to his chest tightly, her knees were on either side of his hips now.  One of his hands, she was quick to notice, grabbed her butt and pushed her core flush against him, spreading her legs further around his waist, his other arm secured her at her shoulders. She felt her face flame and she was about to push away when a bolt of lightning danced down her spine and made a beeline straight for her core.  Sweet Jesus he was like a vibrator!

       Her mouth opened to ask him to release her when she got a nose full of that exotic musk of his that just turned her to jelly.  He didn't release her, rather his purring increases as her arousal skyrockets into the ether. Her body started shaking with him. 

        Holy fuck!  His abdomen was vibrating so much that she knew she was going to have an orgasm any minute now (oh!).  This was bad (oh…). Really bad (oh god yes!). What was he thinking…? (Right there.) He couldn't possibly know what he was doing to her… (don't fucking stop!) could he…? (Almost there!)  She was panting against him, her eyes had closed and her nails were digging into his chest.

      "Wolf… please…" she licked her lips, her cheeks were warm, unsure what she was begging for (Just a little more!).  He stopped purring (NO!) and his grip relaxed enough, allowing her to escape if she wanted too. She hesitated a moment, lost in a fog of lust and then scrambled off him as though someone had thrown a bucket of ice water at her (disappointing much…?).   

       She grabbed the first big pelt she laid her hands on and watched him nervously, her eyes wide, her entire body flushed with warmth.  He clicked at her, his head tilted to the side, those long dreads sliding off his shoulder.

      "I'm fine!" She spoke quickly, tartly, not understanding what he was asking, but answering anyways.  His upper mandibles clicked rapidly and it sounded like a fast purr like a cat. He was laughing again.  She frowned at him but he ignored her as he got to his feet and rolled his massive shoulders.

      She watched, anxious and on edge as he re-armed himself and turned towards her.  She remained tense until he grabbed the chain from the wall and motioned for her to follow him.  She tightened the pelt about her body and followed after him. She was still blushing, still aroused.  What the hell had that been about…? 

      He took her through another door she hadn't seen before and what she saw here made her gasp in absolute shock and surprise.  Wolf had taken her to a trophy room of sorts… it had to be… there were mounted skulls everywhere! Her eyes bugged out of her head as she glanced about the room in shock.  She didn't notice Wolf straightening or his chest swelling as he watched her, even his hair seemed to make him look bigger.

      There are skulls here that she has never seen before.  Small ones, big ones, none except for the humans ones did she recognized.  Her heart falters when she sees it, but she is too mesmerized by the rest of them.  One in particular is massive and huge. There are no eyes on it, and the crest looks to be 4 or 5 feet.  It is bleached white, the teeth longer than her fingers. Oh my god…

      "Did you…" she paused and then licked her lips before she continued, her eyes finally finding the eye shield of his mask, "Did you kill all these?"

      He nodded deliberately once, his trill echoing in the room.  She blinked and swallowed a dry lump forming on her throat. "Why are you… " she trailed off and glanced around the room again, that big crested skull scared the fuck out of her, "Why are you showing me this?"

      Wolf tilted his head to the side, his dreads moving with him.  His body language was screaming 'isn't it obvious' to her, but it wasn't.  Was he trying to show her that escape was futile? She frowned at herself, that made no sense, she already knew that.  Her eyes scanned the room again, she couldn't believe what she was seeing… this was definitely a trophy room… was he showing off again…?

       Her eyes widened suddenly. "Are you…" she frowned again and felt her heart rate increase, she hoped she wasn't going to offend him by saying this next bit, but she had to know, "Is this your way of…" she trailed off again, it was going to sound ridiculous no matter which way she said it.  Her eyes landed on the white skull that was not mounted, rather it was laying on its side on a marble slab of sorts. It had mandibles like him… "Do you want me to draw you in here?" She finally asked, unable to voice her real question for fear that he would be offended at her proposition.  It was an insane idea.

      She had wanted to ask if he was trying to woo her, but it would have sounded all sorts of wrong, even egotistical and arrogant on her part.  They weren't the same species, and he was way more advanced than she. Chances were good he was just showing off so she could draw him again. 

       Sara swallowed and turned her head back to look at Wolf.  He visibly straightened beneath her gaze, and got bigger. He truly was magnificent, a shame really, she thought to herself, that he lacked the parts for her to…

       Her eyes widened as she continued to stare at him.  Holy fuck! She had really thought that! Sara wanted to bed a fucking alien! What the fuck was wrong with her?  Wasn't there some taboo against that…? Her earlier thoughts about bestiality were coming back to mock her now.

      He purred at her from the other side of the room.  That scent that he emitted surrounded her and Sara swallowed audibly.  In this room, surrounded by his war trophies, Sara came to the realization that she wanted him. 

      She wanted Wolf.  In a carnal sense.

      God have mercy on her soul.

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