Mistletoe [Neville and Luna]

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Quick A/N: This specific one shot takes place three years after the Battle of Hogwarts.


"C'mon Luna, it'll be fun!" my best friend, Ginny, said for the fifth time.

"I don't know, I just don't really feel like going," I said for the fifth time.

"You need to get into the holiday spirit. It's Christmas time, Luna!" the ginger exclaimed. "And," she added as an afterthought, a mischevious grin on her face, "I'm pretty sure Harry and Ron have convinced Neville to come."

I looked Ginny straight in the eyes to see if she was lying and it was a joke, but though she was smiling widely, I knew she wasn't pulling a phrank on me.

I sighed. "Fine."

"Yes! Finally. Now, let's get you something to wear!" Ginny said, grabbing my hand and pulling me off my spot on her bed, walking towards her closet.


"C'mon Neville, have a little fun. It's Christmas after all!" my friend Harry said, still trying to convince me to go to some Christmas party at the Weasley home.

"And Ginny told me that she would convince Luna to go," Ron said, grinning hugely.

I rolled my eyes as he made fun of me and the girl I fancied, Luna Lovegood. "Alright. But only because of her."

Ron mock gasped, placing a hand over his heart. "You want to go only becuase of Luna, not because you want to spend time with your friends? I take that as offense."

I grinned. "Good for you. And I was just kidding, you know."


Ginny picked out a wonderful outfit for me that wasn't too fancy but wasn't completely casual either: a pretty red and dark green striped sweater, skinny jeans, and black high top converse.

She even straightened my hair. I have never straightened my hair before, and I was shocked at how different it looked compared to my usual curls.

"Time to go down!" Ginny said, in her Christmasy outfit as well. "Everyone will be arriving in a few minutes!"


Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had gone to a Christmas party somewhere else, so it was only me, Ginny, her brothers, and the rest of our friends in the Burrow's living room and kitchen.

When Neville walked through the door, my heart started beating at a high pace and I received butterflies in my stomach like I always did when I saw him. But he was still one of my best friends, so of course I gave him a hug.

"I missed you so much!" he said. "It's so good to see you again."

"You too," I smiled at him.

He then went over to talk to Harry and Ron, so I went to talk to Ginny and Hermione, who were across the room.

"Luna, it's so obvious he likes you!" Ginny said, though not loud enough for anyone else besides the three of us to hear.

"Who, Neville? No. He just thinks of us a friends," I said simply.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Luna."


Later, long after everyone had exchanged their hellos and "I haven't seen you in months!" Neville and I ended up talking alone, in a corner away from the main group of people. Both of us still weren't very social people.

"So, how have you been, Luna?" Neville asked me.

"Great! I've been helping my dad with The Quibbler, and I think he might get me a real job there soon. What about you?"

"Pretty good. I'm training to be an Auror, actually," he said shyly.

I gasped. "Neville, that's amazing!" He gave a small smile.

We fell silent for a minute after that. Then he looked up, pointed, and put on a big smile. "Mistletoe," he stated.

I glanced up and, sure enough, there was a small bunch of mistletoe hanging right above our heads. I took a risk, looking at Neville to see his reaction, because I was pretty sure my face was probably already red as a cherry.

The boy I loved took a step closer to me, and now there was only a few inches separating our faces.

"Neville?" It came out as a sort of squeak.

"Luna," he moved a bit closer, to where I could feel his sweet breath on my cheek. He took his hand and brushed a piece of my straight blond hair out of my face and behind my ear. "I-I love you. I have since fifth year, a few months after we met. I love your personality and how you didn't care what other people thought of you. I love how nice you were to me, and how beautiful you are, and-"

As sweet as what he was saying was, and as long as I've been waiting to hear those words from Neville, especially "I love you" I knew the sweet boy could go on forever with his kindness, so I decided to interrupt him with a kiss because, after all, we were under the mistletoe.

I pressed my lips gently against his. At first he was surprised, by the gesture and because I had cut him off mid-sentence. But then he got over his shock, and kissed me back. Our lips moved in perfect sync. My arms found their way around his neck, and his around my waist. We stayed like this for a minute, and I wish we could have been like that for longer, but the need for oxygen cut us off.

I pressed my forehead against his, our noses were touching also. "I love you too," I said, with the biggest smile ever imaginable on my face.

He grinned again, that adorable grin that I loved so much. "Then will you be my girlfriend?"

I decided to answer by pressing my lips once again to his, and I knew he understood my answer.

We only stopped when we heard our friends laughing and wolf whistling behind us.

A/N: I meant to put this up before Christmas but it's still the Christmas season so haha oh well.

Hello dear readers! I apologize for putting this up instead of updating my other stories, which I know I really need to do, it's just going away for a few months and coming back and trying to write without remembering things and being in that writing zone is REALLY hard. Unless anyone wants me to put up another one shot tonight, I WILL work on updating my stories. HOPEFULLY I'll have something updated by the end of this week, before my Christmas break ends.

If someone DOES want me to put up another one shot tonight or during this week, leave a comment or PM me if you have an idea, I will take requests! :)

If you wouldn't mind, vote and comment, and do the same with my other stories, espeially my Hinny one shot that I have entered into the Wattys, The Question! All of that would be appreciated, along with a follow! :)


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