The Mirror [George Weasley]

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A/N: I know this is highly unlikely but I just found it neccesary to do. Not entirely sure why. Anyway, here's the (heartbreaking) second one shot! This will be in George's THIRD person point of view. Dedicated to fangirltotheheart for voting and commenting! :)

George was helping to clean up the castle after the Battle of Hogwarts, a week after all the funerals for those who had died in the fight. Including his twin, his other half. Fred. George didn't know how he was going to survive long, how he was going to be able to joke and play phranks and run Weasley's Wizard Wheezes without Fred.

He hated everyone that played a part in helping Voldemort in the war. They were the reason his brother was dead.

The battle had done quite a bit of damage to the school, the Death Eaters had somehow been able to damage at least one section on every floor. Crumbled walls, fallen doors. Every once in a while George spotted a few drops of dried blood.

Roaming the halls for a room to clean, he finally found one. Entering what looked like what had once been an old classroom, he found it hadn't been damaged and was about to close the door and walk away when he spotted something in the middle of the room.

It was a mirror. It had clawed feet and a gold frame and something inscribed at the top. "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi."

George looked into the mirror and saw himself. Dark circles under his eyes, cuts from the battle still healing, and for some reason wearing the same shirt he had worn that day.

He walked away from the ancient mirror a minute later, leaving the room.

He hadn't noticed that his reflection had stood slightly differently than he had.

He hadn't noticed that his reflection was doing that quirky little smile.

He hadn't noticed that his reflection had both ears.

He hadn't noticed that what he had thought was his reflection was actually showing the person he desired most.

A/N: I thought this was a good idea at first but now I'm just heartbroken. I hate the fact that George was seperated for the rest of his life from his twin, especially because my little sisters are twins, and I can't imagine them being seperated!

Sorry for the shortness and the crappiness of this one shot, it's past 1 A.M. and I REALLY need sleep. Oh and let's pretend that at the the end of The Sorcerer's Stone the Mirror was moved back to the classroom it had originally been stored in, okay?

Vote, comment, follow! All suggestions, for this story or one of my other ones, are always welcome! :) Oh and happy New Year's Eve!!!


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