Weird Personal Bubble Stereotype

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Japanese People Don't Like Letting People Into Their Personal Bubble and Are Really Weird About Personal Space and Stuff

For some reason a lot of people view Japanese people as being very anti-touchy-feely and kind of prude. While this may be somewhat true with person to person relationships and PDA like holding hands and kissing and whatnot, this is most certainly not true with daily commutes and train rides. Just take a look at the video below. It's nuts.

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Japan is crowded. People need to get places. You're going to get bumped into, crammed, and squeezed. It happens. If all Japanese people were so weird about personal space, stuff like this wouldn't happen. People need to get to work, school, and other places, and they're not afraid to cram together to do it. So don't be surprised if you end up getting crammed into a train car sardine-style the next time you're in a busy city in Japan.

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