Chapter 2: Stuck On You.

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>> Written from Maeve's POV <<
Wednesday 25th of March.
                    Torturous, was the word.
Complete and utter torture, my heart devastated as it hung heavy inside my chest. I'd hidden myself away in a secluded corner of the library after third period. I was trying to work on my two thousand word essay on impactful feminist literature throughout history; but my mind wouldn't stop. I'd get a few words down, then my brain would go blank. All I could fucking think about was Y/N, who's unstoppable mission to find her anonymous poet seemed to be in full force. I don't think I can keep this up much longer. She was completely obsessed at this point, it was all she talked about and it was becoming extremely difficult for me to keep my mouth shut.

Literally feeling as though I might just combust into flames at any given second, I had to get away from her. Even just for a little while, that's why I came here. It'd only been a day since she came to the realisation that 'Lover Boy' was more than likely a girl - which is right, after all. Although, she's still convinced that it's anybody but me. I seriously find it hard to believe she's never picked up on the things I say, how I go out of my way to compliment her. Look at her with such loving eyes and the blush that flushes across my cheeks. How she makes me laugh uncontrollably like nobody else ever could; when her jokes aren't even that funny, though I'd never admit that to her.

It was like she was on some kind of power trip, her actions excessive and filled with such desperation and I couldn't help but feel as though I was the one sinking. I didn't want to cut her off, our friendship meant the world to me. But right now, it was my only option. I'd turned off my phone, after managing to sneak away from her when she'd gotten talking to Orla in the hallway earlier. Who was one of her many suspects, despite me telling her she's happily dating Lily - though, Y/N wouldn't have it.
In spite of my well thought out techniques of isolation, I knew she'd find me eventually; or at least someone would.

"Hey, dumdum!" I heard Aimee's high-pitched voice fly across the room in my direction. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Jesus, Aimes." I gasped, springing up from my seat with haste before grabbing her arm in a gentle yet urgent manner.

"Thanks!" She blurted out, her smiling expression quickly beginning to shift . "I'm really that scary, am I?"

"I made a proper effort today, you know?"

"No," I let out with a shallow laugh, witnessing her eyes widen at me as she sat down. "you look lovely."

"That's more like it." She stated, smiling contently to herself - as she began frantically fixing her hair.

"I thought you were Y/N," I tried explaining to her, dragging my fingertips roughly through my own dark brown locks. "I'm kinda trying to avoid her."

"But, why?" Aimee immediately asked, her features appearing shocked and rather puzzled. "I thought you were in love with Y/N?"

"I wouldn't say that I'm-" I attempted to shut that assumption down, but Aimee was faster cutting me off within seconds.

"Maeve," Aimee warned with a stern look and a swat to my upper bicep. "don't you even try."

"You are," She stated plainly, as she stared intensely into my eyes. "just admit it already."

"Yeah, okay whatever." I rushed out my words, shaking my head repeatedly as I did so; I hate admitting to my feelings.

"So, you know how I've been?" I promoted, posing my sentence as a question so I didn't have to say it aloud.

"Slipping love letters into her locker?" Aimee said with a small smirk, as I rolled my eyes at her - clearly stating the obvious. "Yeah."

Self-proclaimed Poet. (SEX EDUCATION - Maeve Wiley x Female Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now