Chapter 4: Shallow Pools.

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>> Written from Maeve's POV <<

Friday 27th of March.
                           It was a new day.
One with no mistakes in it yet, wasn't that prospect wonderful? A beautifully clean slate, that hadn't yet been tarnished by the words I might say - or rather, the ones I may not, or simply refuse to speak into existence. That was the trouble you see, if the true matter left my lips then it allowed it to become real. And, I wasn't ready for that. I was overwhelmed by the idea of the likelihood, never mind having to face the reality of it head on.

                                No chance.

"Thanks again." I let out lowly, in between a lengthy puff from my cigarette - as my heavy heeled boots created a beat against the concrete. "For covering for me, Aimes."

"It's alright." Aimee replied with a small smile, her eyes squinting a little as she peered over to me - the brightly shining sun clearly obstructing her vision. "You know I've always got your back."

"Y/N was definitely concerned though." She continued on, with an affirming nod; as she began rummaging around in her handbag for what I assumed would be her sunglasses.

"So I heard." I replied, in a very matter of fact way - as we arrived at the oddly built shack we liked to call a bus stop.

"But, Steve nearly dropped me in the bloody shitter." Aimee then blurted out, retrieving her shades securely from her bag before popping them onto her face with haste.

"Honestly, in future remind me never to let him in on any of our ideas again." She stated with a frustrated sigh, as she flicked her hair out from her view agitatedly.

"Noted." I stated with a small giggle, inhaling another drag of smoke - before taking the packet of cigarettes out from my jacket pocket, pulling one out and offering it to Aimee.

"Here," I encouraged her gently, allowing her to take it between her fingers and bring it to her lips before passing her my lighter.

"Cheers." She thanked me, as she gazed up at the clear blue sky - it'd been a while since we'd seen it this light.

"Cynthia told me that she saw her by my caravan last night, looking..." I informed Aimee, my mind flooded with all matter of possibility as to what she could've been doing there.

"...flustered?" Aimee proposed, letting a flurry a grey mist escape her mouth through her slightly parted lips.

"Yeah, I suppose." I answered, my brain trying it's best to think of words that were more descriptive as I hummed quietly in thought. "Maybe more like stressed or panicky?"

"That's exactly what she was like when I saw her yesterday!" Aimee agreed, nudging my arm purposefully with a smirk quickly spreading across her cheeks.

"Clearly worrying about you." She told me, her stance sure and confident - as she witnessed my walls fall, then build themselves back up again at the speed of a spreading wildfire when I felt my grin grow too wide.

"I don't know." I admitted, reeling my protruding emotions in as my nail shot up against my teeth - my eyes darting back then forth from Aimee.

"She did leave me a voice mail though." I explained, offering the information up hoping Aimee could somehow help me understand it.

"Saying?" She asked, clearly intrigued as she let out a sudden cough - smoke obviously getting trapped in the back of her throat.

"Well, I don't think I heard all of it..." I trailed off, flicking the ash from my cigarette and watching as the wispy wind carried it away. "I got like half way and my fucking phone died."

Self-proclaimed Poet. (SEX EDUCATION - Maeve Wiley x Female Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now