Im not cute •yoonmin•

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BTS has been practicing for what seemed like all day. Yoongi tried his best all day but no matter how focused he was or how much concentration he put into remembering the choreo, he always made a mistake some where. Their dance instructor wasn't easy with them either, he made them restart with every mistake that was made he stopped the music, called out who ever made the mistake and made everyone start over instead of putting that one person a side and working on that part specifically. Jimin watched yoongi through the practice mirrors as he danced across the floor. He could tell yoongi was concentrating, he could tell yoongi was having trouble, he could tell yoongi was beat from the amount of times they danced and re-danced BS&T choreography. Yoongi's breath hitched in is throat when realized he made a mistake, a mistake that army's wouldn't notice unless they studied the choreo piece by piece and know it so well they could do it perfectly in their sleep. Yoongi knew the music was about to be stopped and he would be called out, again, for being so far out of place or for being out of place in general. Jimin's eyes some how managed to make their way back to yoongi. How could he still look so perfect when he's dripping sweat and breathing so hard his entire body moves with each deep breath? Jimin sighed in relief when the music ended. After 5 seconds of holding the ending position everyone except jimin collapsed to the floor. Jimin went to get two bottles of water then sat beside yoongi. Yoongi was laying on his back, one legs bent the other straight out, both hands on his belly, and his eyes closed. Jimin admires yoongi's peaceful face before he pulled hisself out of the trance he fell into. Jimin laid his right hand on yoongi's stomach. Yoongi jumped a little when he felt Jimin's cold hands but relaxed right after.

JM: you did good today

Sg: I kept messing up

JM: that doesn't mean you didn't do good

Sg: I don't like being called out

JM: want me to say something to him?

Sg: no, then he's gonna start lecturing you about how he knows how to do his job

Yoongi finally opened his eyes and looked directly into jimin's

JM: how?

Sg: huh?

JM: what?

Sg: you said how

JM: oh, nothing

Jimin stared back into Yoongi's eyes wondering how he managed to be this charming even though he's sweating like an idiot. when it was just about time for them to go back home jimin got yoongi up then even though he knew yoongi didn't like it when his relaxation is interrupted. Yoongi followed closely beside jimin, hands swallowed by his hoodie sleeves, feet dragging, head down just a pinch, and his mouth in a pout.

JM: you look so cute yoongi!

Sg: im not cute

Jimin cooed at the sight. Taehyung was first in the car, then seokjin, then namjoon, then Jungkook, hoseok, jimin, and last yoongi. As soon as the car door shut yoongi relaxed his body completely and let his eyes close.

Jk: you probably shouldn't practice in a hoodie yoongi-hyung. You'll get over heated

JM: and you'll pass out

Sg: but it makes me more tired so I can go to sleep faster

Rm: but if you get tired faster then you won't have energy to keep dancing and you'll pass out anyway

Sg: nerd

Rm: thank you

Yoongi curled his legs up in the seat and laid his head on jimin's shoulder then looked up at him to find jimin already staring back down. Yoongi rolled his eyes so hard once he heard everyone saying "Aww" it hurt. Jimin giggled and yoongi's actions then wrapped his arms around yoongi's shoulders and rocked him back and forth. Yoongi smiled softly then wrapped his arms around jimin and closed his eyes.

JM: you're so cute

Sg: thank you

I'm writing cute stories cause I'm angry•_•Where stories live. Discover now