The start of a great relationship

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3rd pov

Katsuki had woken up from bed to his alarm at 6:30. He yawned softly and looked to his adorable boyfriend, Izuku, who was curled up beside him. Katsuki smiled and gently kissed his cheek before he got up.
He began to get dressed into his uniform for school. He looked to Izuku and saw him still asleep. He smiled a bit and decided to go to his dorm, where he'd get his uniform for him. He went to the closet in the room that was covered in hero merch, mainly AllMights. Katsuki couldn't help but chuckle at this. He pulled out one of the uniforms and grabbed Izukus shoes. He then walked back to his own room, just as he got back he saw Izuku moving around a bit and soon sat up. He yawned softly, his eyes were a bit puffy and red from just waking up, and his hair was a complete mess. Katsuki chuckled and laid his uniform in front of him "Class starts soon so hurry up sleepy head" Izuku blushed softly and smiled before he got up and out of bed. He looked over to Katsuki "I can't get dressed if your watching..." Katsuki let out a chuckle and sat in bed with his phone "Its nothing I haven't seen before" Izuku blushed more and glared playfully "Oh shut up its still awkward!" Katsuki rolled his eyes "Just get changed already strawberry"
Izuku whined and crossed his arms "No, I don't think want to" Katsuki glanced up to him, raising his eyebrow a bit "Excuse me?" Izuku smirked a bit "You heard me" Katsuki groaned "If I leave the room will you get dressed" Izuku nodded still keeping his sassy facial expression. Katsuki chuckled and got up "Your lucky I love you brat" He stepped out of the room and heard Izuku yell back before the door shut completely "Hey I am not a brat!!" Izuki giggled a bit and began putting on his uniform.
He then opened the door for Katsuki to come back in, as he went to the bathroom and began doing his hair, happily.

Katsuki walked in and let out a soft chuckle before going over and sitting back down on the bed with his phone "Hey nerd, I'm going to go make breakfast" He said getting back up. Izuku smiled "Alright darling, I'll be down soon" He smiled and walked down to the kitchen, where he began to make french toast. He whisked the eggs and milk together, adding a bit of cinnamon to the mix along with vinilla, and anything else he found necessary. He got out a pan and set it on the stove with the heat on medium so it could warm up.
He made two for each other them and set them on two separate plates. He topped Izuku's with strawberries, blueberries, whip cream, syrup, and a few chocolate chips. For his own he had strawberry, syrup, and extra cinnamon. Izuku still wasn't down so he began to make bacon for the two of them.
Izuku came down right when he took the bacon out. Katsuki didn't notice him and divided the bacon equally onto their plates before he set the pans in the sink, where he planned to wash them after they ate. He looked to the door where Izuku was standing, and smiled "When did you get down here cutie?" Izuku blushed a bit "J-Just now.. Breakfast smells amazing!" He smiled brightly. Katsuki chuckled and grabbed his plate, walking over and setting it on the table "Its all ready" Izuku cheered and walked over to the food, giving Katsuki a peck on the cheek before he sat and began to eat.
Katsuki sat across from him with his food, eating it calming. Izuku smiled and leaned on him as he ate "this is absolutely delicious dear" This brought a smile to Katsuki's face "Mhm thanks angel" Izuku giggled and ate up the rest of his food.

Once Katsuki finished his food he grabbed Izukus plate and brought them to the sink. He began to wash the plates happily.
Izuku smiled and went up behind him, wrapping his arms around him. Katsuki jumped a little feeling the sudden touch, he blushed softly and leaned into Izuku.
Izuku giggled softly 'He acts just like a mother' he thought with all the cleaning, baking, and cooking Katsuki loved to do.
Izuku smiled and kissed Katsuki's cheek as he swayed from one foot to another.

Katsuki finished up dished and looked to Izuku, who was smiling happily. Katsuki sighed happily and chuckled "Lets get to school you little nerd" Izuku giggled "Okay! I'll go grab our stuff" Before Katsuki could say anything Izuku raced up to their dorms, and grabbed both their bags. He was soon back and handed Katsuki his bag. He then grabbed onto Katsuki's hand and began their long yet short walk to school in the chilly, but calming wind.

Both boys soon arrived at school. It seemed like everyone was already heading to their classed. Izuku and Katsuki ran inside and went to their classed, laughing. They got in and most people were shocked to see this. The only who seemed unfazed by this was Kirishima, Mina, Iida, and Uraraka. They all seemed to of saw this coming, Iida and Uraraka of course already knew they were dating and Mina and Kirishima had their suspicions ever since the first day of school.
Aizawa even stood their speechless. Izuku giggled and got on his tippy toes, kissing Katsuki's forehead. Katsuki blushed a deep red and Izukus giggled turned to a chuckle. He went off to his seat and sat down with his friends. Shoto seemed to be weirdly more quiet then normal. Plus he'd throw in a glare and Izuku and Katsuki every now and then.

Shoto was honestly hurt, both of the best looking and best acting boys in his class were now taken. He let out a sigh and Kirishima caught onto this quickly.

Class went by quick and normal. Once Kirishima heard the bell rang he jumped to his feet and walked over to Shoto, who was packing up his stuff quickly. Kirishima tapped Shoto on the shoulder "Hey Todo!" Shoto jumped a little and looked to Kirishima "I'm sorry, I'm not really in the mood to talk right now Kirishima." Kirishima rolled his eyes "Just come with me" He grabbed onto the taller boys hand and ran off, to talk with him.

Back with Izuku and Katsuki they were at lunch. Their lunches happily and sat down with all their friends at one table except for Kirishima and Shoto.
Izuku leaned in Katsuki and kissed his cheek. Katsuki blushed a bit and wrapped an arm around him.
The bell soon ran and they went to their classes.

School ended quickly and everyone began going home. Kirishima was overly happily and skipped over to Katsuki.
At the time Katsuki was holding onto Izukus hand while Izuku was picking on him. Once they saw Kirishima, Katsuki asked "Hey where have you been shittyhair?"

Kiri smirked "Setting someone up on a date" Izuku tilted his head "Who?"
Kiri chuckled "Two boys that were mad for close to the same reason" Katsuki rolled his eyes "And what was the reason"
Kiri smiled "Well one was mad because Me and Denki started going out-" Izuku cut him off "When!?"
"Oh like 5 months ago we just kept it a secret, Bakubro didn't even know" Katsuki shook his head "No I did, you two were oblivious" Kiri rolled his eyes "Oh whatever! Anyways! Then another person who was mad because the two boys he had feelings for started dating" Izuku and Katsuki were confused and Katsuki groaned "Just tell us the two people instead of being complicated!" Kirishima rolled his eyes once again "Fine- Fine, calm down explosion! Shinsou and Todoroki!" Izuku was surprised by this rare pair but could see it, seeing as they were both extremely quiet and both had a lot of things to relate on.  But then it hit them and they both shouted at the same time "He liked us?!?!" Kirishima laughed "Yeah, it?was obvious but calm down I fixed that problem."
Katsuki rolled his eyes "Yeah I'm sure you did."

The three of them talked all the way back to the dorms. Once they got back Izuku and Katsuki went up to their dorm.

They decided to just use Katsuki's now and use Izukus as extra storage. Katsuki opened his door and walked in. He looked to Izuku and smiled softly "You know.. They actually didn't have to bad of a reaction to us" Izuku giggled "Yeah, thats because most of them are bisexual, pan, gay, or lesbian" Katsuki chuckled "Yeah you're right"

Alright I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was longer then all the others and written better. I'm sorry I didn't change the perspectives at all, I kind of got lazy and took the easy route. But Anyways, I was wondering if you guys want me to give maybe 1 more or two more chapters, but have both Izuku and Katsuki as adults and pros? Maybe even have kids?

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