The Eldest Daughter: Chapter 14

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The Eldest Daughter
Chapter 14
In Jasmine's P.O.V. Again.
We started trying to make plans, but nobody could work together. Everyone, even the gods, we're trying to lead. I leaned against a wall, watching everyone argue. I finally couldn't stand it any longer. "Guys!" I yelled. Everyone turns to look at me. Push away from the wall and start circling the group. "We've got to work together!" I yelled, when I said together most of the gods winced. "We each have different abilities and strengths, to make up for each other's weaknesses." Now, I'm gonna to put everyone in groups of four-ish. Hades stand over there." He walks over to where I told him. "I want Nico, Artemis, and Thalia to go over there with him." They group together. "Poseidon, over there." He walks to where I told him. "Percy, Athena, and Annabeth with him." They join Poseidon. "Zeus, stand there." He goes over to the spot. "Ezra, Hera and I are gonna group with you." We walk over. "Now, everyone else, each group leader will take turns choose a person. Hades will start." We went through and finally finished. "The first four in each group will be the main leaders of the groups!" I announced. The demigods in each group are listed now. My group had, Piper, Jason, Hazel and Frank. Percy and Annabeth's group had, Luke, Reyna, and Rachel. Nico and Thalia's had, Clarisse, Leo, and Calypso. The other gods we decided would work where they're needed when they're needed. Hades' group shadow travel into different areas in the castle to get keys and such items. Nico, Hades, and Leo came back to let us out. Zeus' (my) group went to the throne room. "Hey, Moros." I pulled my sword and dagger out. "Come at me bro!" We went at it, while everyone else fought the swarms of Doom Walkers. "You've come far." Moros said.
"Yeah." I push him down into his throne. "It's seems you could use some practice." We continue fighting.
I was doing great till a Doom Walker stabbed me in the side with a shadow blade. "Argh!" I grab my side and fall onto a knee. Moros takes this opportunity to take me down and send me to Tartarus. He hits my face with the flat of his blade. I fall over hard. "Jasmine!" I hear Ezra say. *CLANG!* I hear above my head. Ezra blocking Moros' sword from decapitating me. I grab my dagger and stab his heart, while he's focused on Ezra. "Ahh!" He disintegrated into dust, along with all the Doom Walkers. "Woohoo!" Everyone started celebrating.
"Zeus!" Ezra yelled. Picking me up.
"Oh, dear." Asclepius walked up with Zeus. "She was stabbed by a shadow blade."
"What's that mean?" Ezra and Zeus ask together.
"It means, if she doesn't get the proper help soon. She'll fade to shadow." He explained.
"Well, what does she need?" Ezra asks, a tear rolling down his cheek as he sees I'm blacking out slowly.
"Apollo?" Asclepius called.
"Yes?" He walked up and started dry heaving at the sight of the wound.
"I need some light."
"Ok." His fingers lit up with sunbeams.
"Now, let's see." He start digging through a doctors bag that just appeared. "Ah, yes." He starts working and I black out.

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