Part of a over-Bearing family Part 1

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My name is Melanie Bear. I go to hogwarts and I'm in my 3rd year. I'm a slytherin, my uncle is why I'm there, he taught me his ninja skills. I have no parents I was raised by three uncles, I don't look like them and I'm not related, they adopted me. A long time ago when I was a baby they found me crying in a box and I was a baby. They fought really hard to keep me and they were able to. It was really hard especially since they're not human, my uncles are bears. Their names are Ice Bear, Grizzly and Panda. I love having them as my family and no one in my school knows about them, they won't let me brag about them. We start going to the train station, we are going in stack formation, ice bear is at the bottom, panda at the middle, grizzly is at the top. They make me sit on top of them while the push my things. "I can easily walk and push my things myself" I say. "We know but it will be a while for us to do this" grizzly says. "Ice bear will miss melanie" ice bear says. "I'll miss you too, I'll miss all of you while I'm at school" I say. We get to the station I have to be at, I get off the bears and I push the cart through the wall after giving my uncles a hug.
At Hogwarts
I walk in the halls on my way to lunch when I'm pushed. "Watch where you're going mudblood" Draco says. I throw a ninja star in his direction, I purposely miss him by a few inches and it hits a nearby wall. He looks at it then at me with a shocked expression. "Never call me mudblood again" I say as I take my ninja star off the wall and I continue to talk to lunch. I'm supposed to sit at the Slytherin table but I sit at Gryffindor with the golden trio. "Hey guys" I say. "I heard you threw something really sharp at Malfoy" Ron says. "I did, he called me a Mudblood" I say. "he deserved it then" Harry says. He and Hermione recently found out Mudblood is a bad word. "So when are you finally going to tell us about your family?" Hermione asks. "One day but not today" I say. "Hey Mel, Malfoy is staring at you" Ginny says. I look behind me and I see Draco is staring at me. "He's probably still in shock from when I threw a ninja star at him" I said. For the rest of lunch we just talked and ate food.
I was called to professor Dumbledore's office after lunch. I wonder if Draco snitched on me. When I got into his office he didn't seem mad so I don't think I'm in trouble. "Miss Bear, we have some news to tell you, we are going to have new special teachers, one for their ninja skills and one to know more about technology" professor Dumbledore says. "Why does this involve me knowing this before everyone else? Unless...." I ask when I was in realization. "You know who the 3 new teachers is. "Wait you only said why two of them, what's my uncle Grizz going to do?" I ask. "He will be in a class of relaxing, playing video games and occasionally field trips we decided to have" professor Dumbledor says. Then my 3 uncles come into the office. "Are you excited Mel? We won't have to miss each other anymore, the best thing is we got you to be moved to live with us in our dormitory, 4 rooms in it" Grizz says. "Yeah I'm totally excited" I say. "Ice Bear knows you're hiding something" ice bear says. "I'm not" I say. Then my uncle ice bear gives me a look. "Ok fine, no one knows anything about family and I'm worried about what they'll think about me having 3 bears for uncles" I say. "Oh well until you're ready to tell them we won't tell anyone that we're family" Grizz says. "Thank you" I say and I hug them and then I go to our dormitory.
The next day
Today they let us only have three classes. The new three classes. Almost everyone seemed to have a great time. All except Draco and his friends. The golden trio and I was walking to go to lunch when I overhear Draco nearby. "These 3 classes are the stupidest classes ever, we don't need these classes and we don't need the information they teach! Worst of all the teachers are bears, stupid bears, they won't teach us good and the white bear sounds like a freak talking in third person...." Draco says and before he finished I'm near him and I'm punching him. He cries while I punch him and I feel three pairs of arms grab me and pull me away. The arms are too furry to be the golden trio. It's my uncles pulling me away. "Alright what's going on here?" Grizz says. "She came and all of a sudden punched me" Draco says and he's crying. "Miss melanie" panda says. "Please explain why you punched mr Draco" Grizz says. "No" I say. "Miss melanie in Ice Bear and others office now" Ice Bear says. Draco's victory smirk is almost noticeable when me and my uncles walk to their office. When the doors closed my uncles seem more mad. "What the heck melanie I thought we told you to behave, not to start fights" panda says. "I know" I say while looking down. "You're grounded for 3 weeks mel and 10 points from Hufflepuff" Grizz says. "Ice bear wants to know why you did it" Ice bear says. "He was making fun of you and your classes, I couldn't let them get away with it" I say. "Mel we're going to be fine and so what he doesn't like us, almost everyone else does and your friends seemed to have fun" Grizz says. "Yeah" I say. "Go to lunch, have fun with friends but you're still grounded for 3 weeks" panda says. I smile and I go to lunch and I sit with the golden trio.
After lunch I decide to go to the library. I'm not able to hang out with friends, I told them my family found out and grounded me for 3 weeks. I can only hang out in classes and lunch, other than that my free time is at the library. I read some books my uncles gave me and I hear a cough nearby. I look up and I surprisingly see Draco. "Why aren't you with the golden trio?" Draco asks. "Why do you care?" I ask. "I don't, I'm just curious" Draco says. "Alright well the new teachers told my family and I got grounded for three weeks, I'm allowed to have lunch and be friends in classes but in my free time I'm here" I say. "Oh" draco says. "I also got 10 points taken from my house if you didn't think that was enough, I know you don't like me since I'm a mudblood and did bad things to you" I say. "No, I don't not like you, you seem interesting" Draco says. "How?" I ask. "No one else, except the golden trio, is brave enough to throw a ninja star at me and punch me" Draco says. "So is that and being curious why you decided to come to me?" I ask. "That and to see what book you're reading" Draco says. "You won't like it it's a muggle book" I say. "Try me" Draco says. I start to explain things about the book and Draco surprisingly is interested. "That does seem like a amazing book" Draco says. "Really?" I ask. "Yes" Draco says. "If you want you can borrow it, I've read it multiple times" I say. "Ok thanks" Draco says. We spend a while talking with each other. That started the tradition of hanging out with him in the library.

The next week I've realized I've really like Draco. I've been stuttering near him a lot and blushing a lot. Eventually he will catch up that I love him. But I'm scared, if we end up together he'll find out my family and might not love me. I walk into the library and I see Draco at our normal spot. "Hey" I say and I'm smiling. "Hey" Draco says and I notice the roses and chocolate frogs. "Need me to go away for a while when someone else comes here?" I ask assuming they're for someone else and Draco laughs a little. "No one else is coming, this is for you" Draco says. "You didn't have to get these for me" I say. "I know" Draco says. "Thank you" I say. "Mel we've been hanging out for a long time, you've always been in my mind especially since you threw a ninja star at me, I've fallen in love with you and I was wondering would you be my girlfriend?" Draco says. "Yes" I say while smiling. Draco leans over and he kisses me.

Three months later and our relationship is out and amazing. He's been kind to me and loving too. Everything was fine until the day a terrible day of class happened. Today my uncles decided to do a class with all three of them teaching. Draco does a few remarks still which I try to ignore. Then I see him hex all of them and I feel hurt. I try my best not to react. Grizz calls Draco up to help them when Draco does a hex in front of everyone turning all my uncles pink. I go up to Draco and I punch him. Everyone gasps and Draco looks shocked. "I can handle the remarks but I can't handle the hexes, Draco I don't think we can be together" I say. "But Melanie" Draco says. "Everyone wants to know why?! Everyone has been wanting to know who my family is?! Well now I don't care if you know, these teachers are my uncles that raised me ever since I was a baby!" I say in front of everyone including Draco and the golden trio. Everyone looks surprised and my uncles look sympathetic. "Mel if you want you can leave the class" grizz says. "Thank you uncle grizz" I say and I leave the classroom not caring about my things. I go to the quidditch field and I hear someone follow me.
"Melanie please wait for me, I don't want us to break up, I still love you" Draco says. "You know who my family is, they're people you hate" I say. "I don't anymore" Draco says. "Your family will hate them though and I can't handle keeping my family a secret again" I say" you won't have to" Draco says.
"You know I want you It's not a secret I try to hide I know you want me So don't keep saying our hands are tied You claim it's not in the cards But fate is pulling you miles away And out of reach from me But you're here in my heart So who can stop me if I decide That you're my destiny? What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine Nothing could keep us apart You'd be the one I was meant to find It's up to you And it's up to me No one can say what we get to be So why don't we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours Tonight" Draco sings from my favorite musical. He remembers what my favorite musical is, I do my best to fight a smile. "You think it's easy You think I don't wanna run to you But there are mountains And there are doors that we can't walk through I know you're wondering why Because we're able to be Just you and me Within these walls But when we go outside You're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all No one can rewrite the stars How can you say you'll be mine Everything keeps us apart And I'm not the one you were meant to find It's not up to you It's not up to me When everyone tells us what we can be How can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours Tonight" i sing. "All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you So just give me all of you" me and Draco sing. "It feels impossible" I sing. "It's not impossible" Draco sings. "Is it impossible" I sing. "Say that it's possible How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart Cause you are the one I was meant to find It's up to you And it's up to me No one can say what we get to be Why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours" we both sing and I'm close to crying. Draco holds me hand and brings me close to him. "You know I want you It's not a secret I try to hide But I can't have you We're bound to break and My hands are tied" I sing while looking down. Draco sighs and walks away and it slowly starts to rain and I stand in the cold rain crying.

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