Lesbian Karin (+Sasuke and Sakura): Reconciliation

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Sakura had just given birth, in Orochimaru's lab, with Karin as a midwife. She and Sasuke were resting there for a week or so before continuing on their journey (though Karin wanted to push the departure date to make 100% sure Sakura and the baby would be well.)

Sakura and Sarada were asleep in the makeshift guest room, as Sasuke brushed his teeth in a bathroom down the hall. Karin crept towards the door.

"What do you want?" Sasuke called while she was a few steps away.

"Just to talk. I have something important to tell you."

Sasuke stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. He wore a soft pair of Uchiha-print pajama pants, with nothing but his nearly-faded top surgery scars on his top.

Karin looked away. "I won't touch you. I won't even look at you."

"Okay then."

Karin took off her glasses and covered her eyes with one hand. After a deep breath, she declared, "I'm not in love with you anymore. At this point I think I like girls. I'm really, really sorry about how I treated you when we were younger, that was absolutely unacceptable and out of line. You don't have to forgive me, I just want you to know that I regret what I did."

Sasuke was silent for a moment, before exhaling loudly. "Alright. I forgive you. I'm sorry I stabbed Danzo through you."

Karin shook her head. "I don't even blame you for that. But thanks."

She stood there, not knowing whether to leave or not.

"You like girls?"


"I'd like to say I saw that coming."

Karin smiled. "Good for you. I had such crushes on the girls in Oto and I didn't figure it out until years later."


"Oh yeah. She was hot."

"She was a little old for you though, correct? What about the long haired girl with the senbons?"

"Kin? I could have had a shot with her if she didn't go and...die."

"A tragedy. So that left you with..."

"Other than the prisoners, I had...Orochimaru."

Sasuke wheezed, causing Karin to double over in laughter. "No wonder it took me so long!"

"Really." Karin straightened up, and Sasuke gripped her shoulder, nearly making her jump. "I hope you find someone, Karin."

"Thanks Sasuke." She lowered her hand, slowly opening her eyes. Sasuke met her gaze, steadily with mirth and pleasantness. "Would you look at us. We treated each other terribly half a decade ago and now we're...can we be friends?"

"I wouldn't mind it."

Karin cast her eyes down again, toeing the floor. "Oh, and uh, if you ever want to have a threesome with Sakura, I wouldn't mind that either."

Sasuke strode past her toward his room, patting her on the back as he went. "I'll mention it to her."

"Y—okay!! Goodnight!" Karin, having nowhere else to go, raced into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Sasuke tucked into bed beside Sakura. Sarada's tiny form snoozed between them.

"I saw Karin in the hallway. Do you want to know what she said to me?"

"Oh hell," Sakura said, rousing from her light sleep. "What was it?"

"She's sorry for being a teenage pervert, and she is now a lesbian."

"Oh. Good. Grief, you did it again, Sasuke."

"Yeah, I'm a lot of girls' lesbian awakenings, aren't I."

"Why is that, you think?"

"Why do you want me to say it? You're one of the lesbians, aren't you?"

"I think it's nicer when you say you're insufferable and gay than when I say it."

"It's true no matter who says it."

Sakura snickered. Even then, she tucked one of Sasuke's flyaways behind his ear. "I think you're a lot less insufferable than you used to be."

"Means a lot, Sakura."

Sakura stroked his cheekbone, and he brought his hand up to hold hers. "Anytime, Sasuke."


After the war the original Team 7 had a conference, a reconciliation. Naruto and Sasuke held their single hands and grinned, declaring themselves a couple. Kakashi congratulated them. Sakura smiled, and said she was gay and dating Ino (who was also dating Sai.)

Sasuke, however, wasn't ready to come back to the village yet; no one could blame him with the cold reaction the villagers gave him. But they weren't about to let their prodigal teammate leave on his own.

Naruto vowed to convince the village he was redeemable and lovable in his absence, and Sakura vowed to bring him back within the year.

They visited the Land of Waves and the Great Naruto Bridge, lay flowers on the grave they left there years ago. They skirted the border to the Land of Lightning and told Killer Bee they would tell Naruto he misses him, and took a copy of his mixtape to give him. Sasuke showed her the Sound Village where he had spent their time apart, at which point she was heavily pregnant, and they decided to journey to the lab Orochimaru and crew currently occupied so she could have a semi-safe delivery.

Somewhere along the first leg of their trip Sasuke expressed his anxiety about restarting the Uchiha line, among other worries bouncing around his brain. Sakura pat him on the back and quelled his fears with a "Sasuke. Let's start right now."

Nine months later they had their little Sarada, who would grow up with many mothers and fathers, uncles and aunts, siblings and cousins and an army of clone brothers years down the line. She and her generation would feel peace and love like no ninjas before had.

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