How you meet: Bucky barns x reader

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song: "ocean eyes" by Billie Eyelish

by: Italian potato

                                          " I've been watching you

                                                     for some time

                                                  cant stop staring   

                                                at those ocean eyes"


6:00. I rolled over tot the cold side of the bed ignoring my alarm clock. letting out a deep breath, forced my self to get up. across the cold tiled floor to the bathroom, I saw a person  through the mirror with tired e/c eyes and with tangled h/c hair. getting ready to take a shower. I  look at my body covered in scars. I was born into hydra. before I as born, my mother and father where captured  due to  exposed to radiation more or less. they gained some sort of.....abilities. my mother was pregnant with me when they where stolen by hydra. Mother  died giving birth to me. hydra took me away from my grieving father, and raised me to me... to become a monster, an assassin. whenever I disobeyed, I was  put into a bath of water and was  electrocuted, I still remember the agonizing white pain that coercing thou out my body.  the other times I was locked in a room for several days without food or water. but then, when I was around 15, shield saved me right before I was re-electrocuted.   when I finished my shower I picked out white blowers, high top converses and a teenage romance t-shirt. thru my keys in my pocket, and left my apartment.

     ------time skip-------- 


y/n drove into the parking lot of her part time job at the cafe, "GABBY'S AND GO".   She started to walk in when she noticed  a man was waiting outside of the cafe. 

"ill be right there!!" y/n yield. she went  inside to let the stranger in, right when y/n unlocked the door. the stranger and y/n made eye contact for a split second.

                                                             "no fair

                                   you really know how to make me cry 

                                    when you gimme those ocean eyes"


i looked into his ravishing ocean eyes I wish I could swim in forever. The man has olive  skin, brown long hair, and hes tall. at least 6'0. he's wearing a motorcycle leather jacket with black lose pants and punk boots, he had a glove on his right hand, its rude to question why so I didint ask 

"exited to get your coffee I see?"

"just an early bird." the stranger responded. I  went over to the cashier and asked him what he wanted.

"just a manila blazina  smoothie please." I started to make the smoothie  when he tried to say something.

" I-um..." his face looks flustered red, so I said something to  break the tension.

" so, um... your from Brooklyn?" thank god i changed the subject.

" oh! my shirt? yeah, I grew up there."

"No way.... me too!"

                                           "I've been walking though 

                                                 a world gone blind

                                           cant stop thinking of your

                                                    diamond mind"

I gave him his drink and we sat down. talked for what seems like hours, we talked about about Brooklyn, about where we lived. turns out, him and my dad both actually work for shield.

"hay doll, can I get your number? we should hang out on Wednesday  after work."

" perfect! Im free on that day."

" really? thats amazing!Ii though you would say no." I chuckled and responded,

"by the way,Im y/n"

"Bucky, nice to meet you." we agreed on the time and said our goodbyes, my face grew hot as he looked into my eyes again. I could get used to those  beautiful eyes and pearly white teeth. 

something tells me, he'll be around for awhile.


hello my fellow readers! I am Italian potato, and im the second writer for the book. I love feed back on my one-shots, and comments. I will take request ! all I ask is for you to enjoy! and let me know if I should do a part 2???? 

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