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"She's different, she's not like anyone I've ever met."

Isaac laughs into his controller.
"How so?"

"She's unique because she's ordinary. She's the girl that sits in back going unnoticed even though her very precedence is abounding." I fall back on the bed staring up at a hectic glow poster taped half-hazardly on the ceiling.
Isaac snorts and looks back at me, pausing the game in doing so.
"What romance novel did you swallow this time?"
A bubble of hysteria comes up my chest and I laugh, rolling onto my stomach to face him.
"I'm serious Isaac. I can't stop thinking about her"
"Can't stop talking either."
I roll my eyes "You're just jealous because I'm not planning on serenading you any time soon"

"So help me god, You're going to serenade? I have to see this"

A smile creeps up my face and I half laugh-half snort in response.

"I'm sorry but you walked into that one yourself"

"Ha-ha." he says lightly, the humor In his voice is evident. Turning back to his game, he flashes me a smile and presses play, the conversation seemingly ended.

I look down at the edge of my bed and I see her face when she speaks of "An Imperial Affliction".

Her eyes wide, like a child seeing the presents under a Christmas tree, her hands would move to their own devices and she wouldn't care. She would let her emotions flow from every part of her body, her joy and pain and fear and confusion radiating off her. She would smile, a large full- toothed smile where you can see the dimples above her cheeks, and I'd smile back.

A sigh escapes me and confusion follows, I've asked myself thousands of times what makes her so different, in those moments I know what it is. The little things are what she focuses on, making the grand things all the better.

Anyone else would want to stomp around, wanting to be known with what little time they'd have. But she treads lightly, wanting to go unnoticed.

But I noticed.

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