Chapter 8

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      Violets P.O.V


       Once we walked out of the office I took the keys out of my bag as we walked to the car. We got in as I saw them go in Damon's car as I started mine. " Make sure you put on your seatbelts" Becca said as we put them on. " Vi you gotta win" Amelia said smiling at me through the mirror. " Don't worry I wasn't planning on losing" I said. We drove out of the parking lot stopping on the first light as Lia put her window down. " You ready to not pay" Lia said as I smiled, " No but you should be" Damon said. The light turned green as we sped off. We were driving fast as Amelia kept yelling to go faster. I saw the turn as the light was about to turn red. I sped up taking the turn feeling the adrenaline. I kept speeding as the boys weren't that far away. Once I saw the dinner I sped up as both cars parked at the same time as we quickly got out. Damon and Amelia started to argue who got here first as we all looked at them in amusement. " It was a tie" we all said together as both Lia and Damon looked at us. " No there has to be a winner" they both said at the same time as they started to play rock, paper,scissors. " Sometimes I wonder about her age" Becca said causing the guys to laugh.
" Has she always been like this?" Jayden asked as I nodded my head yes. " What about him?" I asked as they also nodded their head yes. We saw Lia jumping up and down as Damon started to pout walking over to us. " WE'RE PAYING!!!" Lia said pulling us into the dinner as me and Becca giggled. The guys caught up with us as we already chose a place to sit down. We were looking at the menus until a girl came to take our order. " Hi are you ready to order?" she asked looking at the guys as we giggled looking at her. The guys gave us a questioning look as the girl looked at us. " What's so funny?" she asked giving us an annoyed look which caused us to laugh. " Oh honey you're trying so hard and they're not even looking at you" Amelia said smiling. " If you're going to pull your shirt down... At least make it look like you're not trying to get their attention" Becca said. I couldn't hold my laughter anymore as the guys smiled. " Now please take our orders give them your number later" I said as she glared at me.
" Is everything okay over here?" we heard a voice say as the girl smirked. She was about to say something as me and the girls squealed, getting up  screaming "DAD!" as we hugged the man. " Girls why didn't you tell me you were coming?" he said hugging us. " Girls sit" he said as we sat down, " Young ladies where the hell have you all been. I haven't heard hell from all three of you since Halloween" he said mad. " Hell" me and the girls said as the man in front of us tried not to smile. " I hate that I can't scold any of you" He sighed as we giggled. " Its because you love us" I said as we all squeezed our cheeks as he smiled. " Jackie make sure you attend these girls right. I don't want to hear a complaint from them or you're fired" He said as the girl nodded quickly. " Now before I leave who are you?" Greg said as he looked at the guys. " Appa stop being nosy and go attend the customers that are waving at you" Becca said pouting as he looked at us. " I better hear from all of you later then" he said as he kissed our foreheads, we said 'yes sir' as he left.
" Now can I get some pancakes with strawberries please Jackie" I said as she smiled at me. " Me and Becca want the same thing. Oh and 3 orange juices please" Lia said sweetly as the guys ordered. Once she left we all laughed " Wow that was priceless" Damon said as Bryan couldn't stop smiling. " So that guy is?" Jayden asked looking at us. " That is Greg Thompson the owner of this place and my uncle" Becca said smiling. " ohh" the boys said as I sighed. " You boys don't need to stop yourself from asking questions, it's alright ask away" Lia said as we smiled at them. " It's just that we don't want to cross a line that's all" Bryan said. " Ehh its alright go ahead ask away" Becca said reassuring them. " What were your parents names?" Damon said asking us . " Biological parents don't know and don't really want to know," I said as I saw the food coming. " Reyna and David Pierce" Becca said as she thanked the waiter. " Lola and Jair Anderson" Lia said taking a bite from her pancakes. " So if you had the chance, would you want to meet your parents?" Jayden asked carefully. I smiled at him shaking my head no. " Not really... I actually wouldn't have anything to say to them... Although there was a time were I wondered why they gave me up... But now I couldn't really care. I wouldn't have met these girls if they would've kept me. So I'm actually okay since thanks to that I am who I am today" I said drinking my juice. All the guys nodded as we kept talking until I excused myself to go to the bathroom.
Before I went back I payed for our food then went to the bathroom. Once I finished drying my hands I got out to see Josh, talking to Becca as he looked mad. I ran to them as Josh looked at me. " What's going on?" I asked as Josh looked at me. " Nothing Joshua is overreacting for nothing" Becca said as she walked away. Josh was about to pull her as I pulled him with me outside the dinner. " Josh stop" I said looking at him. " Who the hell are those guys with you girls?" He asked angry. " Those guys are our bosses now stop. DON'T forget that you aren't dating her" I said as he started to calm down. " I know... But... whatever either way. Be thankful that Landon isn't here with me or he'd be annoyed, by seeing you with whichever one is your boss" He said looking at me. " If he were here he shouldn't care we're F-R-I-E-N-D-S nothing more so there shouldn't be a problem," I said as I heard him sigh when I got inside. " Sorry about that" I said sitting down. " Who was that?" Bryan asked looking at Becca, " That was a classmate" she said. " Only you're classmate?" Damon asked looking at all three of us. " Yup only a classmate" all three of us said as the waiter came with the recite. " Common lets go everything is paid already anyways" I said as the guys looked at me. " I know boys better than you think" I said smiling at them as saying 'lets go'.
We got out of the dinner talking as we heard someone call Jaydens name. We all turned around to see a girl around our age or older as Jayden rolled his eyes. The guys grabbed our arms as we started to walk away faster. The girls and I were confused ' what the hell' I thought. I felt someone pull my arm as I turned around to see the girl glaring at me. " And who are you?" She asked still holding my arm as I ripped my arm out of hers. " Why the hell do you care" I said glaring at her, with the same intensity as she looked scared. " Don't talk to me like that do you know who I am?!" she said smirking at me as Jayden was about to get in. " Nope and I couldn't give two single fucks who you are. But by looking at you I say trying to be barbie but the version that went wrong" I said as the girls held my arms. " Now please we all just ate. If we have to see your face for a minute more we might puke" I said. Not really lying since I started to feel sick. She was about to say something until Jayden started to talk. " Watch what you say next Chloe she's with me" He said as I saw the girl shrink back. " So what are you going to let this cheap as bitch come between me and you?!" she yelled as I started to feel dizzy. The girls looked at me worried holding me closer to them. " Look I don't know who you are. But fucking respect me or don't blame me for the consequenses. Second of all I'm his secretary so fuck off, and before you even dare say that all his secretaries are sluts. DON'T unless you want to have a broken nose to the point not even the surgeons will be able to fix it," I said looking at her. " Now if you excuse us we have to go... See you on Monday Mr. Valentino, Mr. Everette, and Mr. Giovanni" Lia said as we said our goodbyes. We walked to the car as I got in the back with Lia beside me as Becca started to drive.
" Hey you okay?" Lia asked worried checking my forehead. " No I don't feel too good" I said. I grabbed the magazine that was beside me as I started to fan myself. " We're almost home don't worry. You'll take some medicine once we get there" Becca said worried. " Don't worry girls maybe it's because I saw her" I said. The girls laughed as I sat up from Lia's lap.
" See I'm better I don't feel funny anymore" I said as the feeling of puking disappeared. " Are you sure?" Becca said as I smiled nodding my head yes. 

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