Chapter 2

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      Jaydens P.O.V


     Today is officially the day that I dreaded most, it was the day a lot of girls came in wearing skimpy outfits to try to get the position of secretary. When Damon suggested the idea of me picking a secretary for Bryan, Damon picking one for me, as Bryan picked one out for Damon it was surprising. We've known eachother since before we were born since our parents go way back. We know each others taste enough to know what we are looking for in a secretary. What we want is for the girls to actually work and not flirt, for them to do their job correctly is the main thing we need from them. After 15 girls finally one that actually looked like the type to do her job. " Mr.Valentino here is the girl I talked so dearly about" Harriet our main secretary up front said. I stood up and shook her hand "Rebecca Pierce" she said, shaking my hand as she let go.
" Thanks Harriet you may go" I said to her. I signalled Rebecca to take a seat. She handed me her folder as I looked through it, ' well she's actually not brain dead good to know'. " So Ms. Pierce I see that you're still in school am I right?" I asked. " Yes" she said calmly yet with power, "  How would you able to work here while you still go to school?" I asked looking at her. " Mr.Valentino I can always take classes online. I've always been on top of everything so it wouldn't be hard to balance both, work and school" she said looking at me. " Well in that case you'll be starting on Monday with Mr. Everette. You will become his secretary. As for the work clothes it doesn't really matter what you wear, as long as you look professional and do your work on time" I said as she smiled. " Alright then Mr. Valentino it was nice meeting you," she said as we shook hands as she left.
'Well that wasn't so bad that  went better and finished faster than expected'. I thought as I sat back on my chair. Now to hope Damon actually picks one that does her job right.


        Bryans P.O.V

      After the 15th girl today… I was done! I didn't want another girl to come in and look like she came to either seduce,or who knows what. I saw a girl come in as Harriet gave me a thumbs up, signalling it was the girl she talked so much about. " Hello my name is Amelia Anderson" She said extending her hand. " Bryan Everette nice to meet you Amelia" I said, as I signalled her to sit down. " So Amelia how about you start by telling me how you met Harriet?" I said as she handed me her resume. " Well I met Harriet when me and my roommates moved to New York. We actually went grocery shopping since we needed food. We saw that she needed help putting the waters into her car and we helped her. After that me and my roomates saw her again at school, and we've known her since then" She said happy.
I kept looking at the papers she gave me. I'm glad that this girl actually knows what to do." It says here that you're still in school right?" I asked looking at her. " Yes I'm still in school and before you ask Mr. Everette, I already know how I can balance school and work. I can always take night classes or online classes to do my class work," she said confidently. 'Yup definitely going to be able to keep up with work' I thought." Well then Ms. Anderson you got the job. You will start on Monday with Mr.Giovanni. You are allowed to wear whatever you want as long at it is professional and, you'll be able to do work properly" I said as I shook her hand.
" Thank you Mr.Everette it was nice meeting you" she said, as she walked out of my office. 'Hopefully 2 down and 1 to go'.


      Damon's P.O.V

    I normally don't mind seeing girls but right now I want to quit. I'm done trying to find a secretary for Jayden, he's picky and all 15 girls that came in are brain dead. They're hot... but brain dead 'Dammit I give up already' I thought. I saw Harriet give me a wide smile and thumbs up. I saw a gorgeous girl walk in as I felt power radiate off her. 'hmm confidence that's good' " Hello my name is Violet Romano" she said sticking out her arm as we shook hands. " Nice to meet you Ms. Romano I'm Damon Giovanni" I said signaling her to take a seat. " Is it fine if I call you by your first name?" I asked looking at her for permission, as she nodded her head yes. " Well Violet Harriet spoke highly of you on how a hard worker you are," I said as I looked through the folder she handed me. " It also seems that you are still in school. How will you be able to work?" I asked looking at her.
" Mr. Giovanni as you can see in my resume, there's  also recommendations by other enterprises. I've been able to balance school and work since I was 17. Even so I have asked permission from all my teachers to take online and night classes if needed" She said confidently. ' Well sharp tongue, workaholic, yep definitely Jaydens type' I thought as I looked at her " Do you do any activities after school?" I asked " Yes I do Volleyball, soccer, baseball, and basketball but all seasons are over. As for cheer and football season practice is done late at night, so my activities won't get in the way" she said. 'Yep definitely Jayden's type they're both crazy in love with sports. For no reason what so ever, and seems like she's a cold person... Okay yup definitely will be able to take Jaydens hot temper'. " Alright Violet you get the job you will be starting on Monday with Mr.Valentino.
For work clothes you are allowed to wear whatever. As long as you can make it look professional, and are able to do your work with no slip ups" I said. She stood up as we shook hands. " Alright thank you Mr.Giovanni it was nice meeting you," She said as she walked away. ' FINALLY there is actually SOMEONE as Brayden and can work under pressure'. I thought as I massaged my head.
'Damn now to get some food I'm starving' I thought getting my stuff so I could go get food. 

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