The fight (part 1 )

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Btw I've made it so that Noah has power like shape shifting, elements, all that stuff cause for a more exciting story
Noah's POV

The cat clawed at my eye, probably leaving a mark. Her tail was swishing around so I grabbed it and bit it making it bleed into the floor, I watch as the blood trickles down her tail. I look up as she kicked me in the stomach. Hard. I groaned in pain. I felt furious.
3rd person POV
Noah's anger grew every second, as the colour of his eyes were glowing brighter. The cat then scratched his arm, ripping his shirt and leaving large deep scratch marks. Noah pounced at the cat tackling her to the ground as he growled above her. The cat used both her paws to scratch at Noah's muzzle making his stand up. Noah was getting fed up with her, his wings' feathers turned into razor sharp daggers(cause I say they can) his halo looked like a burned blood red ring of fire. The cat shivered at the hybrid's new appearance, she stepped back in fear. Terrified for her life she began to run out of the room, when she was a few steps from the door. Noah landed after flying right in front of her, him growling furiously. Blood flowing down from the scratch marks. Lara screamed "Noah! You need to calm down!!" Making Noah look at her, his eyes not burning as much as they had been. The cat took advantage of this and scratched Noah on the neck, piercing his skin making his roar in agony.
Jayden heard the loud roar, his alpha instincts kicked in. He ran to the origin of the roar, bursting through the door to see a nightmarish view.

To be continuedddd

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