Loving and Fighting

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Matthew Casey x Kelly Severide – Sevasey

The door slams as Kelly storms into his and Matt's apartment. This didn't go unnoticed by the blonde-haired lieutenant, "Sev?" He calls out but no response. He watches as Kelly storms to their bedroom and crashes the door shut. Casey stands up from his spot on the couch and follows Severide into their shared bedroom. He knocks on the door and when he doesn't get a reply, he opens the door and walks in, "Kel, what's wrong?"

"I'm sick of you always undermining me! Sure, you have bad days but so do I and you make me feel like shit by always putting me down!" Kelly snaps.

"Kelly, what are you talking about?" Matt calmly replies.

"I'm talking about you being so fucking frustrating all the time!"

"Severide! Take a deep breath before you say something you'll regret..." Casey says trying to snap Kelly out of it.

"No! I won't fucking calm down. You are the most frustrating person to live with and I wish I had never loved you! I wish I had stayed in my and Shay's old house where everything could be at peace!"

That's when Matt realised what this was all about but he was suddenly too angry to care. When Kelly had said he wished that he had never loved him, it hurt. Like, really hurt, so he snapped back, "You think I'm frustrating to live with? You're not here half the time to know! You're always off getting drunk and leaving me here alone! You don't know how many nights I have stayed up waiting for you to come home so I knew you were safe and sound!"

"You don't even begin to understand how I feel being stuck here while you're off at work and I'm worried sick that you're going to get hurt! I really hope you get hurt when you have work next! I really do!"

Matt takes a deep breath with tears threatening to fall down his face, "I'm not dealing with this. I'm staying with Herrmann tonight," and without a second to spare, Matt grabbed a duffel bag out of their closet and began packing. Before Kelly had finally caught up with everything going on, Matt had left in tears.

Matt had been sitting with Herrmann drinking a few beers when he got the phone call. He checked the caller and saw that it was Severide, he put the phone down and let it ring out. The phone quickly rang again and this time, Matt picked up and snapped, "What?" Suddenly, he heard sobs coming from the other side of the phone and Matt knew that he had to get home, and quickly, "Kelly? I'm coming home. Give me 5 minutes okay?" It didn't matter how pissed off Matt was with Kelly, all he wanted to know was that his baby was okay.

For Kelly, it felt like a lifetime until Casey came barging through the door of their bedroom. When Casey opened the door, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces at the sight of Kelly on their bed crying. Matt quickly hopped onto the bed and grabbed Kelly and just held him there for a while. "It's okay, Kel. You'll be okay, I promise."

"I'm sorry Matt. I'm so sorry!" Kelly says between sobs.

"Kelly, look at me," Kelly looks at Matt, "You were upset, and obviously still are, but it's okay. It's okay to cry and have emotion, baby. That's what makes us human."

Kelly takes a deep breath and wipes his tears away, "it was a building fire. Similar to the one that Shay died in. It was a tough call," a shaky breath comes out of Kelly, "it was a tough call and I must've let it get to my head."

"Yeah, after I went to Herrmann's, I called up Boden and he told me the run down and said you were pretty shaken up about it. Are you okay?"

"I feel a bit better now that I'm talking to you about it, but I still feel like shit."

Casey and Severide stay on the bed for a while until Casey eventually asks, "Do you actually feel that I'm always undermining you?"

"Not always but sometimes, yeah. It sometimes feels like you forget I'm there and then when you do realise, it kinda feels like you just brush me off and I feel like I have no control whatsoever. It feels terrible, Case, it really does," Kelly replies with tears welling up in his eyes again.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't cry. I'm sorry I made you feel like that. Why didn't you tell me how you were feeling?" Matt says as he begins wiping away the tears that have fallen on Kelly's face.

"I didn't want to seem selfish, I know you can be a bit sensitive if anyone oversteps."

"You'll never seem selfish for having a right to say something. Look, Sev, I love you and nothing is going to change that. Not even a fight that's caused by one of us bottling emotions and we end up saying things we regret." Matt pulls Kelly further into his arms and gives him a kiss on the cheek and they eventually fall asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: I don't know how this is going to turn out but if you have any suggestions please leave them because I'm not having much inspiration to write rn because of writers block but I do have ideas for a couple more chapters.

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