And Then There Was Ten Part 1

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Third Peron POV

Naruto and Jiraiya arrive in a small village on there quest for Tsunade.

"So what jutsu are you gonna teach me Pervy Sage?" Naruto asked very anxious to know

"I hate it when you call me that, but the jutsu is called the Rasengan." Jiraiya lifted his hand and a blue chakra ball appeared.

"Whoa, that is so awesome!!" Naruto yelled in excitement.

"Good now, take this ball, apply chakra into it, and pop it. I have important research to start." Jiraiya had that look on his face meaning he was gonna go peep on girls.

Naruto sighed and took the ball, and started walking into the woods, working on the Rasengan. Till he noticed that his money was gone.

"Stupid Pervy Sage, took all my money." Naruto grumbled walking through the forest, "Poor Gama-chan."

Naruto looked at his empty wallet, "I'mma get Pervy Sage back for this."

Naruto looked into the sky and saw something flash in the sky, "A shooting star?"

Naruto closed his eyes tightly, "I wish the people in the village didn't look at me like I was a monster." Then he opened them to see the star heading towards him.

Naruto bearly dodged the star when it landed a few meters behind him, "What the hell? Shooting stars keep going, maybe it's an astroid?" He walked towards the suspicious rock, pulling out a kunai incase it was a hostile threat.

Naruto made it to the edge of the crater, causing it to give out, and making him landing on his butt. He picked up his kunai tredging lightly to the maybe astroid that almost killed him. Immediately he saw it, it opened up in front of him. Revealing a weird watch.

"A watch? From outer space?" Naruto dropped his kunai and slowly with his left hand made his way to grab it when the watch sprung from its craft clamping onto his wrist.

Naruto instantly started freaking out, "AHHHH! WHAT THE HELL?? GET OFF ME!!!" He started waving his left wrist like a mad man trying to get the watch off him.

Naruto ran off maybe Pervy Sage could help him, "JIRAIYA!!!!"

After running Naruto thought about something, 'What if Jiraiya couldn't get this thing off of me.' Naruto shook his head and picked up a stick and shoved it into the watch and pushed as hard as he could to get it off, but the stick broke.

Naruto sighed and stared at the green and black faceplate on the watch as he sat down against a tree running out of options on how to get rid of this watch till an idea occurred.

"Hm, let's see how to operate it." He replied and looked around, "Huh, where's the on switch?" Naruto asked himself and stumbled on pushing the button which immediately activated the watch.

"Ok, so that's how to start it, what then?" He asked and started turning the dial and figures started appearing.

He pushed down on the watch and it disappeared from his wrist, he started feeling really weird then he had this burning sensation and watched as his body started hardening and turning into what looked like lava. The watch's faceplate reappeared on his chest.

He looked down at his hands and they were on fire, "I'M ON FIRE!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I'M ON FIRE!!!!"

He stopped freaking out when he realized he was ok, "I'm on fire and I'm ok?"

Naruto looked at the trees, "Oh yeah." He conjured up a fireball and hurled it at the tree watching it ignite, burning down the tree, "Nice." Till the burning tree started spreading to its surrounding neighbors.

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