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Anush explained everything to her gals and they listened with amazed faces

Zehra said,"So, you are telling me that they came through the escape door?"

"Yup, I mean I really didn't know people knew about that door but I guess they do and I need a new way out even though the Door seemed very convenient being just beside my bedroom and allowing me the easiest way out to the lobby." Anush sighed

"Just give me his name and I will find out who this bastard is?" Elisha said.

This was the first time that Elisha had ever expressed her hatred towards anyone.

"I think we should call this guy, Beachy" Zehra said.

"I think we should see what Beachy has in his pocket to get a better idea of who we are dealing with." Elisha said as she kicked him over and took his wallet out.







Elisha had started her computer magic that she had always been marvellous at and was going to say something when the door bell rang and Anush let in 2 ladies.

One had worn a beautiful red dress and looked amazing, with matching earrings and the other one was plainly dressed but the thing that caught the girl's notice was the scar across her face.

"Woahhh, Sappho you look terrific! I mean the last time I saw you, you were in tattered clothes like literally and Oh ya, guys this is Sappho and this is Arvi and guys this is Avantika, Zehra and Elisha, this is my tribe and I guess we are stuck here together" Anush said.

"You mean this is the world famous mysterious Sappho" Avantika said.

"I didn't know we were going to have a party otherwise I would have got my family" Sappho sneered.

"It definitely seems like you came from a party, by the way guys I think we need to do something quick because your presents are moving" Zehra said.

"Thats fine, I got this" Arvi reassured everyone.

She went near the semi-conscious men and got some duct tape out of her back pack and duct taped their mouths and tied their hands with rope, that she also took out from her bag.

"You randomly carry all this? Or did you sense something is up when you came here?" a curious Elisha asked.

"I mean when you are a professional kidnapper and shooter, we need to be prepared at all times" Arvi replied.

"A professional what?" a surprised Zehra asked.

"Yup, she is a professional kidnapper and by the way I am a sharp shooter" Sappho continued

"Why the hell, didn't you tell me this before? Like the first time I met you?" Anush quizzed her.

"That's because I didn't know any of your secrets but now I can testify in court that you have attacked 3 men with blades and I feel the bouncer guy over there is totally dead as he has been stabbed brutally" Sappho said.

"What? That's clever but mean, I would never testify against you if I knew you were attacked first but anyway, what should we do about them now?" Anush asked.

"Is the whole group coming to take care of these 3 almost dead guys? Or is it okay if only Arvi, Anush and I go?" Sappho said.

"Yup, sure but do call us if you need help and I want to hear all about it later" all three sleepily said as they left the house. They knew Anush could handle herself if she was in danger so they left without a word.

"How the hell are we going to get these guys out without being noticed, I mean there are cameras in the lobby and the lift." Anush inquired.

"We got ways, how can we get to the terrace?" Arvi and Sappho asked at once.

"Well, we can take the stairs, the terrace is just above this floor." Anush replied.

"Okay, great, So, Arvi you get one of the bouncers while I will get the funny hat guy." Sappho commanded.

Arvi lifted the 6'5 guy in a jiffy, he was over her shoulder in matters of seconds, she followed Sappho as Sappho lifted the other one in her arms.

"Wow, you guys are strong" Anush exclaimed. "Well, these bulked up arms are not just for show" Arvi snapped as All three of them walked up the stairs and reached the terrace.

Arvi threw the man down the building and Sappho did the same.

"What the!! Are you guys out of your minds? , Did you just throw 2 people down 9 floors?" Anush said as she ran to the edge of the terrace and looked down towards the street, only to see that the men were lying on the back of a huge cargo truck that had about 5 mattresses in its trunk and the men had landed directly on the mattresses and were safe.

"How the hell did you do that? You almost scared me." Anush said surprised.

"We have lots of practice, I mean we did miss the first few bodies we had kil... uhhmm kidnapped but we now know how to handle a body or hostage very well and when you called us saying you have presents, we came prepared and its better both of you head towards the truck and I will get the third musketeer " Arvi said.

Anush and Sappho got in the truck and heard a thud in the back and they knew that the third musketeer had reached and they were soon joined by Arvi and they drove to the outskirts of Pune.

As they reached a secluded spot and Anush could only see a deserted bungalow.

"Here, we are home sweet home" Sappho said.

Sappho and Arvi dragged the three bodies as Anush followed them inside the shady bungalow.

Anush got curious and asked Sappho "Why are you in a dress, I mean you never wore anything like this before when we met."

"Well, I was supposed to meet my new client for a contract so, I wanted to impress them but then I had to rush to meet you instead so I couldn't even change" Sappho replied.


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