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Playlist: I know places by Taylor swift

"2 plate of boneless kyochon chicken with the side dish and 4 bottles of soju is served" said the waitress. "Thank you so much" Jaehyun flashes his smile. The waitress eyes caught Jaehyun's eyes and were swooned by his smile. "Y-you w-welcome please enjoy your meal" she stuttered. Then she bowed and when away taking another people's order. 

"Guess your hobby is back again" scowled Wendy. Jaehyun took the napkin from the table and hand one for Wendy. "What hobby?" Jaehyun was puzzled by Wendy statement. "You know? the waitress was clearly shows interested in you, i can sense by the way she looks at you and-" she stopped, and took a peek behind her back to where the waitress is. The waitress was standing at the end of the counter checking on Jaehyun while holding her menu list. She immediately hid when Wendy notices her. "Hmm just what i thought" Wendy's eyebrow raise.

Wendy when back to her sitting position and Jaehyun was staring at her. "What?" Wendy said. "Nothing, is just that you're still you" He chuckle. "Duh, of course i am what do you expect" she said.

"Btw, that wasn't flirting, it's called the natural attraction". Wendy rolled her eyes when he said it. They started eating and chatting and Wendy felt like it's getting uncomfortable. It's been 20 minutes and Wendy let out a cough signaling the students who are mostly girls to stopped staring at them eating. Though those students weren't staring at Wendy but they were fangirling over Jaehyun.

Jaehyun on the other hand doesn't even notice or bother about it but busying himself slicing the chicken in the most gentle way which annoyed Wendy. To the girl it was the most perfect example of oppa you could ever ask. It's like seeing a k-drama with Jaehyun in it and he cut the chicken with up close shots, transition, filters, background music, and lastly he flashes his smile saying "Welcome to Kyochon chicken Hongdae where we serve you with the finest top dish", Then the camera would zoom in the chicken and-

"Wendy!" Jaehyun calls her.

Wendy was caught off guard with her k-drama scene again. "We should go home" she said. "What? In the middle of eating?,but we haven't had our soju yet". She didn't wait for jaehyun to finish his word but dragged his arms and their soju bottles. They paid the bill at the cashier and Wendy storm her way out of the shop.

Jaehyun was driving and Wendy still feel angry about Jaehyun throwing her shoes away despite that she already full. "Let me guess you still angry with the shoes or the girls that staring at me back there?" he said. Wendy stays quiet; ignoring. Luckily she brought her slippers in case her shoe got dirty she can use it as an emergency back up 'shoe'.

"The shoe or the girl back there?" Jaehyun repeated his question again. He took quick glance at Wendy but she turn her head to the window side and her arms are crossed.

Jaehyun suddenly change his lanes and Wendy was quick to notice it. "Wait where are you going," Wendy said. Jaehyun turn his right signal and turn off his engine when he reach the sideway of the road. Wendy's eyes was on him and she was confuse. "Why are we stopping?, you suppose to send me back home," she said.

"Not until you told me why we have to leave the kyochon shop without any reason" he said, looking at Wendy. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You darn knew i can't eat with PEOPLE aka your FANGIRL staring, " she said, emphasing the word. Now it's Jaehyun turn to raise his eyebrows. "Since when you begin to be alert with people aka my fangirl around you? i thought you suppose to be ignoring them and just enjoy the meal. We do that all the time when we still dating or are you Jealous?" he answered.

She scoffed hard. "Excuse me sir, i have a lot of things to be taken care of instead of feelings jealous over a bunch of students and fyi if you want to take me to dinner you should pick a place where none of your Fangirls knew you" She crossed her arms. He smirk and shrugged. "Well, i think you got it wrong they weren't exactly any students" He said. Wendy was feeling a little cold when she heard about it.

"What do you mean they aren't any students? they seem real to me, and don't you play another stupid prank on me again it's not funny".

"There were students yes but they aren't the real student's you seeing. It's the Seeker's minion where they disguise as students to collect people's fears and sorrows and bring them back to The Seeker." He explains. "But if they collecting fears and sorrows, why are they staring at you instead of doing their job?" Then Jaehyun chuckle.

"Those fangirls you see back there? Those were the female minion who's being follow me for a while, and the only things to get them off is just a wink" He winked. Wendy shakes her head and sigh. "But still don't they notice me back there?" She said. "Remember about your grandma's protection on you? Yeah its still protected you." He said, reminding Wendy about it.

She could have order more chicken back then if they are not so many whatever those students, so called minions ruined it, "By the way, back at the alley where you walked alone just a few hours ago" he began, with a serious face. "Yeah what about it?" she said, wanting to know. "That wasn't the seeker's minions." He said, slowly.

"It was the Seeker"


Wendy woke up from her sleep at the middle of the night. It was 3 hours ago Jaehyun had send her back home. The night was cold and yet she was sweating. She lay on a sitting position and run her hands through her hair. She couldn't think anything except that The Seeker has found her and she could never play safe anymore.

She took her phone and dial Taeyong's number. The long beeping of the sound just make her heart beats faster everytime it beeps. "Hello?" his voice croaked. "Taeyong" she said.

"Hey baby, what's wrong, what time is it" His voice faded when he took a quick check his time phone. "Babe, i'm here tell me what nightmare you're having" he said, his breath through the phone and his sleepy voice calm her heart in a single beat. It's one of the thing she love about him where he never question why she woke him up in the middle of the night.

"I just want to say I love you, and you will always be my last love", She said, with a smile on her face. "You always will forever be my lover and i love you even you had those superpower, just know i will always love you even you hate me for being a huge dumbass" He said. "Thank you" She whispered. "You welcome" he answered back.

2 hours seem like 2 minutes for Wendy where she felt she's been keeping Taeyong up and she ended their chats. Wendy closes her phone light and stares at her bed ceiling. those stars shone on her ceiling that was lighted by her moving lamp put a weak smile on her face as she slowly closes her eyes.

"Please! please let us stay for one more week! we promised we find the money and pay for the rent."

The voices of a man pleading came slowly into Wendy's ears. Wendy hesitated to open her eyes cause she knows where it's gonna be and just like magic, she is once again in her past dream, but the funny thing is Wendy never remember those street before, or even be in it. All of it seems new to her.

"Where am i" Wendy whispered.

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