1946/ 11/ 25 James Paal "The Drunks"

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9:00 P.M.

"Huh, looks like we caught a bunch of Al Capone's men, they didn't stand a chance against us, we just blew their heads off, like THAT!" said an officer, he then shot a bullet at an old beer bottle, smashing it to pieces. "HA! HA! THAT WAS EaSy uhhh guhhh BLargH" said a drunken officer, who helped himself with the beer the officers stole from the gangsters. "Uhhh GuhhH Uh uH, A ROOvinG anD a GRoovin', I aM goINg HoMe, gahh uhh, ThE DUKe of yaRk HAd one THusand man, PoM POm, urgh," he said, then fell asleep. "WAKE UP MC DALE!!!", "AnD MEs weel have ze bRAKEfest In BeDF," continued the drunken man. "SHUT UP MC DALE!!!" said the voice again, this time, the source slapped him in the bum. Now, normally, a person that was slapped on the bottom would be mad, but when you slap the privates of a drunken, FBI soldier, with a whiskey bottle tucked right next to him, while holding onto a Tommy gun, you will live your life to regret that stupi- wait, actually, you may not even live your life to regret that, for you're most likely too dead to do so. "ARGGUUUHHHH!!!" said the drunk "UIHGHGHHYKJHGIGU!!!" he then aimed the gun to the shouting man, shot him, and threw the bottle onto the man, then setting him on FIRE. "KILL HIM!" said the others, and the other soldiers shot the drunken soldier, blowing not only his drunken brains out, but also still shooting at him even though he's dead, that his whole drunken body is in bloody pieces. Then, the men threw the barrels of moonshine to fire, burning it and making the fire MASSIVE, "RUUUUNNNNNN!!!" shouted a panicked FBI soldier, as he ran away from the fire, but the fire got to the box of grenades, making an even more MASSIVE EXPLOSION, vaporizing everything within a 20-yard distance. Some soldiers made it out alive, others, not so lucky, like one that almost made it out of a 20-yard distance, but when it blew up, he lost the lower half of his body, killing him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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