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"Yah! What happened?" He asked me.

"Huh? Oh, umm..."

"I said that the uniform check is going on at the gates and-"

"What?! But I forgot my tie!" I said, slapping my hand over my head.

Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Totally what's expected from you." He mumbled.

"Hey! That's mean!"

He rolled his eyes again.
"Whatever. Now come here."

He pulled me into an alleyway behind the school.

"Wha- why are we here?" I asked nervously.

I shouldn't get nervous over it right? I mean I've been alone with him many a times over the years. We'd even taken baths and had sleepovers every now and then as children, but these days, it feels...different.

It's if he's the same person but the way I see him now has...changed.

"Here, take this."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐄 | JJKWhere stories live. Discover now