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Cameron's POV

I wake up, and the first thing I notice is a headache. An awful headache. As I wake up more, I realize that it isn't only my head that hurts, but everything. Last night was a blur. I don't remember a whole lot, but God, it felt right. 

A small snore comes from the man, Lucas, laying next to me. I giggle. Wait, what? I just giggled?

Since when do I giggle?! Whatever, I guess love does weird things to you.

Almost as if to prove a point, I feel butterflies in my chest, because good Lord, he is cute. 

He turns over, eyes open, looking at me. I never really thought anyone could ever look so perfect. But Luca, with his green-blue eyes, his sandy colored hair, and his perfectly tanned, freckled face, looks like a warm beach somewhere.

And then there's me. I have no clue why he's still here, to be honest. I have messy, dark hair, and brown eyes. I have a scar on my face from... there. The infamous there.

When I was younger, I was raised in a strictly Catholic household, along with my little brother, Nicholas. So, when I figured out I was gay, some... not so great things happened. Although, at first, things were good. I had a boyfriend. Surprisingly, his name was also Lucas. 

We kissed a few times, had fun, y'know, just two dumb kids. 

Two careless kids.

We got caught, and I got sent.. there. They said they'd fix me.

They didn't.

And I never saw Lucas again.


I wake up to the smell of pancakes.

I spring out of bed, because pancakes. 

I love pancakes, and Lucas knows this, so he tends to make them sometimes, usually when he wants something.

Classic Luca, I think as I get dressed. I leave the room to find Luca, sitting at the table, looking very... nervous?

One thing you should know about Lucas, he's very hard to read. Even after dating him for like, 4 years, I still have some trouble. I asked once. He got this faraway look in his eyes, looked away from me, and said,

"It was how I was raised, Cam."

The tone of his voice tells me not to ask again.

I'm jolted back into the now, when a large crash sounds from the kitchen. I run in, only to find Luca, on the floor, pancakes everywhere, looking very sheepish. He looks like a sad puppy!

I should help, but instead, I double over laughing, and he starts to laugh with me. 

God, forget I Love Lucy...

I love Luca!

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