Sick Day

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"Babe, did you get eggs last night?" I call up the stairs. Lucas was still sound asleep when I got up this morning, so I make sure to yell loudly.

I hear muffled grumbling, but nothing that actually sounds like words.

"'kay, oatmeal it is." I mumble to myself.

After sitting down and starting to eat, Lucas thumps down the stairs, wrapped in all of our blankets. His hair is ruffled, his glasses are askew, and he looks pale. 

"Well, if it isn't the sleeping beauty."

He grumbles.

"Stop grumbling, you sound like a zombie."

He sits down. 

"I'm sick."

I reach over to feel his forehead.

"Mmm, a bit warm, I guess. Besides, when are you not sick?"

"I dunno. Will you get me some Ibuprofen?"

"Get it yourself."


I grin.

After returning with the Ibuprofen, Lucas downs them with some orange juice. Then he slumps over to the couch, lays down, and closes his eyes.

Lucas has always been a bit sickness-prone. He gets headaches, stomachaches, and colds all the time. He's seen a doctor about it, but nothing's wrong. He just has a lower immune system.

He doesn't move from the couch after that, instead whining until I get up and get him some food. I have to practically carry him to bed, where he hogs all the blankets.

That's normal, of course. He keeps hogging all the blankets, so eventually we end up on the floor, him trying to strangle me with a pillow, and me kneeing him in the balls.

Don't... just don't ask.

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