social studies benchmark

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March 12, 2020

Five hours ago i was taking the social studies benchmark which i think it was easy, but still a piece of me feels like a fell the social studies benchmark. I pray to namjesus to help me pass the test and help me remember all the things that i learn since the beggining of the year, which i think kinda help me because suprisingly the things that were in the benchmark were familiar to me. but still i couln't remember what was fully about. i don't know, it was weird. oh and we have to stay in a class for the whole period right and guess who i got it with.

yeah my crush. nothing interesting happened through out the day, only that my friend got sick. i don't know if she has the coronavirus. i am just kidding she doesn't have the coronavirus, but yeah i tried to be with her but it was difficult because i don't like talking a lot and she usually talks a lot, but she is sick so she can't talk a lot. so once lunch was over she walk me to my class i thank her and i told her to feel better. right now is 2:33 so we leave at 3:30 and tommorow there is going to be a game. The game is about teachers vs students and i don't know what sport they are going to play, so i might think about going or not. do you think i should go probobly not because 8,6,7 graders are going to go and my ears always hurt when there is a lot of noise so i might think about it. tommorow is friday right so after we leave in friday we have a break from our jail a.k.a school well i don't hate it is just that we have to wake up early and yeah and that is all i hate. um i think i forgot to tell you guys but i don't know when was it so let me just say it. i holded my crush hand i will start a new draft in order for this one to not be that long. ok.bye bye.

his face is funny

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his face is funny. but i still love you j-hope, and people wondering yes, i love bts since i was young.

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