𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚🤍.

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She was sitting on her bed and looked up at me, licking her lips.
"...Wachu think?" I questioned, hesitantly.
"You really know how to dress..shit." She replied. "My clothes look good on you."
I smiled and she got up. She was wearing a brown flannel shirt with a white jersey and black ripped jeans with a gold chain and Muggs (man Uggs). Her hair was in two braids with a gold hair accessory on each one. I eyed her up and down as she got up.
"So, no thank you?" 
I shook myself out my thoughts, regaining my composure and said,
"Yea sorry. You jus look really good"
She chuckled.

Danielle's POV:
Holy fuck Kierra sho knows how to dress. Like how do you put such a fye ass outfit together using someone else's clothes? But anyways I'm hella excited to meet her bestfriend. She seem coo asf.
"You ready babes?" Kierra asked, picking her phone up from her dresser.
I blushed at the name and answered,
"Yea I'm ready." And grabbed my phone of its charger and put it in my pocket.
I walked her out and we got in my car. She drove doe, cuz ian familiar wit the mall we was finna go to.
"Sooo," she cooed. "You excited to meet Zay?"
I chuckled at her inquiry.
"Yea I am, she seems coo. And not to mention funny as a bitch." I chuckled to myself thinking about the text conversation between them that Kierra showed me.
"Yea she sure is a character." Kierra laughed. "I swear she be on the dumbest shit sometimes."
I laughed at Kierra's remark.
"How? What she be doin?" I asked, curious.
"Girl one time I was talkin to her about you and her bitch ass really gon yell out "AWWW YOU REALLY LIKE DANIELLEE"...like..I'm deadass surprised Yeen hear it cuz you was near when she yelled it."
I busted out laughing cuz das really some shit I'd do to one of my Dawgs.
"Yea y'all finna get along great. I can tell already." Kierra assured me.
Right then, we pulled into the mall.
"Lemme text her to see where she is." She said, taking her phone out my cup holder.
"Aight" I replied.

She texted for a bit until she looked up from her phone at me.
"Her fat ass at the food court. You ready?"
I busted out laughing cuz of how casually she said dat.
She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out the car and I unbuckled my seatbelt and went to open my door but the motioned me to stop. She came to my side and opened my door for me causing me to blush a whole lot.
"Thank you baby" I smiled.
"Anything for you" she replied, smooth as ever and got on her tiptoes giving me a peck on the lips. I smiled and she grabbed my hand an lead me into the mall.
"So, how long y'all been friends?" I questioned, curiously.
"Well we started getting hella close around the time we got serious but weren't dating yet." Kierra answered, still holding my hand.
"Ohh okay. How y'all met?" I asked.
"Well she asked me where I got my clothes at and I was in a rush so I jus gave her my number n texted it to her later on. We started talking more n eventually became close close."
"Yo clothes?" I repeated, confused.
"Yea. Ion get it either." She said. We were almost to the food court. I could see it from a distance. This a big ass mall.
"Huh." I pondered. "Maybe she a stem" I suggested.
"Nah it's been months since she asked me for the stores n Ian seen her in em so I doubt it." She replied in a duh tone. A smirk spread across my face.
"You wanna bet?"
"Fashooo. I'll ask her later on. How much?"
"Mm..20." I replied, still smirking.
"Thassa bet." She said, holding out her hand for a handshake.
"But f'real. Stems dress up based on how they feel. She coulda jus been feeling hella girly these passed months." I said.
"Yea yea yea. I'm 99.9% sure she ain't a stem." Kierra said.
"Ooookayyyy." I said, throwing my hands up in surrender.

Just then, we got to the food court and started looking for Zaylani. Well, Kierra looked cuz ion really know her enough to be able to distinguish her. Not yet at least.
"Where tf is this bitch attt" Kierra groaned pulling her phone out from her back pocket.
I shrugged and she started typing on her phone. Texting Zaylani I'm guessing. I looked around at the stores and spotted a...toy store..if you know what I mean💀-my face immediately flushed at the thought of going in there. I looked away from the store and back at Kierra when I heard her mutter a "huh?"
"What?" I asked, curious.
"She said she's here in the food court but ion see her." Kierra replied. Sounding hella confused might I add.
I saw a stud sitting at a table and looking around. Kierra got her phone out and texted her again and as soon as she did that the stud picked up her phone and started texting. I tapped Kierra and pointed to the stud.
"That her?" I said.
"Nah. Das a whole st-" she stopped mid sentence when the stud or should I said stem looked up and waved at her.

"Imma take dat as a yes" I said In a mocking tone.
"Maneee..whateva." She huffed and started walking over to Zaylani.
I chuckled and followed close behind.
"Since when?" Kierra asked Zaylani as soon as we got to her table.
"Since when Wh-" Zaylani started until she looked down at her attire.
"Girl I ain't know you was dat dumb. Fuck you think I asked where you got yo clothes from? To put em on a scarecrow?" She said in a duh tone.
I busted out laughing cuz that girl really a comedian. Kierra shot me a death glare and I calmed myself down.
"I'm sorry baby but dat was funny as hell."
"BABY?" Zaylani immediately shouted, interrupting Kierra mid sentence.
There go that dumb shit she be on I'm guessing💀.
"Girl shut cho bitch ass up. Loud for no reason. But yes, baby." Kierra said, sitting on the chair across from Zaylani.
She gasped. "Since whennnnn??"
"Since a day ago. Fucked the shit outta her n asked her to be mine" I interrupted with an innocent smile, sitting next to Kierra.
A smirk immediately appeared on Zaylani's face.
"Now Danielle. Let's not act like I ain't have you sc-"
"AAAANYWAYSSSS..since a day ago." I shouted over her. She ain't finna expose me. Not today. Zaylani busted out laughing at my action and I did too.

"But wassup. As you can see, I'm Danielle."
"Zaylani. Hopefully you've heard of me." She said, side eyeing Kierra.
"Oh I've heard of you don't even worry." I chucked.
"Good. Jus making sure Kierra ain't fake." She smiled.
"Girl ain't nobody fake. You the fake one if anything. Ain't think to tell me you was half daddy." She said that last bit with a bit of smugness in her voice. My face immediately heated up and I looked at her like she was crazy.
"You jus dumb eshit. But take it easy onnat daddy word before yo girl beat both of our asses." Zaylani spoke.
"Oh yea I like you." I declared.
"She'll be aighttt" Kierra said, pushing my head to the side.
"Mmmmhm. You sayin dat now but it'll be sum different when I fuck the shit outta yo lil ass."
I spoke.
"I-" she stuttered.
"Thought so." I said, returning her smug tone from earlier.
"Oooooo hell yea Kierra you done found you a real one. Keep dis one." Zaylani said.
"Her big headed ass ain't going nowhere." Kierra said, kissing my cheek.
My face immediately flushed a bright red.
What am I gon do wit dis girl.

 What am I gon do wit dis girl

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Yes, it's late. Next case.
Was y'all surprised Zaylani a stem? Or Is Kierra Jus dumb.
Anyways, das all folks.
Bye Gaybies😼🏳️‍🌈
Love Y'all🤍.

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