𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚~𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆🤎.

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Dani took my hands from around her neck and held them.
"I'm sorry Ian believe you, I'm sorry for how I treated you and I'm sorry for kissing someone else. really am. I just couldn't believe someone like you would even look at someone like me and seeing you wit Aaliyah confirmed that for me. I jus wanted you to feel what I felt."
"Well I'm looking at you and only you Danielle. I. Looooveee. You." I reassured her, still smiling.
"Be mine again? I miss yo fine ass."
I just smiled and nodded before hugging her waist. She bent down and kissed my forehead.
"I love you Kierra." She said.
"I finally got my Baby back." I thought.

Danielle's POV
Manee..I got my babygirl back. I missed her ass so much real talk. Andddd she told me she loves me. Like I honestly wasn't expecting her to..I loved her but Ian know if she felt the same. But now I do.

Anyways, we left out of school and took separate cars to my house. We may as well move in together at this point. We pulled up around the same time and got out of our cars. Kierra was on the phone with someone sounding hella happy. I wonder who she talking to.

"Yessirrr we areee" She said into the phone with a big ass smile.
"Yea I'm with her now." She spoke looking over at me and I blew her a kiss causing a smile to appear on her face.
"I-hell nah I'm not putting you on speaker. You gon say some dumb shit." Kierra retorted back to whoever was on the other line.
She smacked her teeth before saying
"Fine man." And put her phone on speaker.

"Yo Danielle you there?" I heard a voice say. I'm pretty sure it was Zaylani.
"Yea who dat?" I questioned.
"Zaylani." She replied.
"Thought so but wassup?" I replied.
"I jus wanna say, if you hurt my bestfriend or make her shed one tear like you did ever again, I'll kill you. Okay? Okay. Yo ass lucky she even took you back. Cherish her short ass cuz she a different breed." Zaylani said sternly into the phone.
Kierra laughed shaking her head.

"I won't I promise. Never again. You have my permission to do anything to me if I do." I replied sincerely.
"Ion need yo permission but 'preciate it miss ma'am"
"Aht aht imma call you later Zay." Kierra interrupted.
"Bye best, love youuu" Zay replied.
"Love you too" Kierra said with a chuckle before hanging up and looking up at me.
"She a real one" I said.
"Fasho fasho. Can we go inside? It's hot." She replied.
"You needa start bringing suitcases over here at dis point." I said chuckling and walking to my doorstep.
"Yea yea I'll get one whenever I go to my house. But yo clothes will do for now" Kierra replied with a mischievous giggle.
I just rolled my eyes playfully and unlocked my door, letting her in.

"Whew I missed it here" she breathed out once she got in the house.
"I missed having you here" I replied, staring her down.
"Mhm I bet you did." She said, looking me up and down, licking her lips.
Instant waterfalls.
"Ha.." I let out a nervous chuckle.
Every time I think I have the upper hand, she gets another one on me.

Kierra just bit her lip and stared me down.
I gulped and adjusted my collar as I was starting to get hot. I jus know my boxers are soaked.
"Uh-I-Imma go shower" I mumbled before basically running out the living room. I heard Kierra let out a quiet chuckle before I left.

I went to my room and took off my clothes before brushing my teeth and hopping in the shower.

I heard the bathroom door open and the sink turn on.
"Hmm?" She hummed.
She sound like she up to some shit-
"The fuck is you up to.."
"I'm not up to anything Baby." She said and the sink turned off.
I smiled at the name.
"Mmmmhmmm.." I hummed In response.
I didn't get a response.
"Ba-AH!!" I almost jumped out my skin when suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

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