Gym And Hanging Out

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Still Nick's Pov

The guys and I had gym next. The girls were practicing for their cheerleader thingy so Sophie didn't have to participate in it. I suggested that she would go home and we would hang out later so she wouldn't get bored, but she didn't seem to mind.

"I don't want you to get bored. You would just have to sit there for 2 hours" I tried to reason with her.

"I don't mind" Sophie shrugged "Plus I can always text my friends and... I might get to see you without a shirt" she shrugged and smiled at me. "See ya at the field" Sophie winked and left before I could say anything.

Sophie has been acting more casual and relaxed than when she came here. But I've noticed she's like that only around me, Kyle and Tyler. Even when she spoke with us when no one else was around her tone of voice changed. You could easily mistake her as someone else because of it.

I walked to the locker rooms where the other guys already were. As I opened the door I could already hear the guys talking and shouting loudly. From all the voices I could clearly hear Rick's voice.

"Oooh look at me!" He said in a high pitched voice "I'm a total nerd but I'm seeing one of the popular kids! And he's a gang leader! Lucky me". I saw him imitating Sophie.

I walked foward, no one noticing me because they were all so caught up on Ricky's show. They were laughing and doing their own impressions at the same time. I clenched my hand into a fist and hit one of the lockers with quite a lot of strenght. Everyone in the room got quiet and immediately turned their eyes to me. I smirked.

"You were saying?"

Rick laughed uncomfortably and walked to me. Everyone else got back into their own things, still mumbling about something.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Dude we were just joking around. You know how guys are. We make fun of everything." Ricky defended himself casually, just like he hadn't just mocked my girlfriend.

Girlfriend? Whoa where did that come from? I mean... we've been hanging out a lot, been on a double date. Kissed. C'mon man, you don't even know if she wants that.

I sighed. Getting frustrated with him, I just nodded and went over to Kyle. If I would've continued talking with Ricky, I'd have ended up punching him. Kyle was standing in front of his spot, going through his bag full of extra clothes.

Setting down my own bag I silently sat down next to him and started taking my shoes off. Kyle knew me the best, and knew that I didn't feel like talking right now. Right after Sophie had started to hang out with us -mostly because of me- , people had began to make fun of me as well. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't some badass that people were scared of before. Maybe I was just a bit more intimidating. And the fact that Suave's gang moved here at the same time didn't exactly help that.

But when I really thought about it, I did like Sophie.

"Isabella on your mind huh?" I jumped a bit as Kyle's voice was suddenly heard next to me.

He had sat beside me while I was lost in my own thoughts.

Almost not recognizing her name as Isabella it took me a few seconds too long to answer.

"Umm yeah. How'd ya know?" I ask and start changing my clothes.

"I've known you forever. I know when you have a crush on someone; and I have a feeling this isn't the smallest one of them" Kyle raises a knowing brow at me.


We jogged to the field where the coach was already waiting for us. Some of the guys were already there talking to him. Looking to my right I saw Sophie sitting on the benches with Tyler. She hit his arm and they both laughed.

Sophie's Pov

"Oh pfft, I don't like him that much" I laugh awkwardly.

Tyler and I had walked to the benches next to the school's field. We had gotten some snacks and were ready to just hang out a bit for the first time in a long time.

"I think you do" Tyler winked at me "you haven't dated anyone since your last one. And it's been quite a while from that you know?" He continued with a knowing voice.

"Well yeah... but he's nice. He noticed me like this" I say showing my body which looked two sizes bigger because of the clothes I was wearing.

"It's not wrong if you like him" Tyler laughed"it's actually pretty great if you've found someone", he smiled.

I smile back at him and focus my eyes to the field which was slowly getting more guys in it.

"Though I wouldn't have minded if that someone would've been me" I hear Tyler whisper chuckling. I punch him slightly on his right arm and laugh as he complains about it. Next to me I hear the quiet words "ow... that hurt...".

Tyler and I watched the guys practice for their football game and do some exercises. We talked about random stuff and Tyler filled me in with all the stuff that has been happening in the gangs. Mason had become a great gang leader and was handling all the problems quite well. Tyler told me how Mason has missed me and has even been unable to focus because of that.

I was glad that Mason's birthday was so soon. And so was mine. I couldn't wait to hang out with the guys again. Have some of my old clothes back and buy some new ones. Not having to worry about my secret getting out.

Every now and then my thoughts wandered to Nick. We hadn't known each other for that long, but I liked him. A lot.

As the practise came to an end, Tyler and I walked down to the guys that were talking almost in the middle of the field. From the corner of my eye I saw Ashley walking towards them with her crew behind her. I also saw Ellie and Daisy behind her, laughing at her comment about something.

"Calm down with the look" Tyler whispered chuckling and continued "You look like you're about to roll your eyes out".

"Ha ha, very funny. I just... don't like her."

"You don't like any girls Soph."

"Oh... I know a few girls I like," I said winking at him.

As we got closer, Nick noticed us and smiled. He jogged towards us and came to walk next to me. His torso was sparkling with sweat and despite this, he was looking quite hot at the moment. I couldn't help but to glance at this muscles every now and then. I guess I didn't talk or think about it much, but he was really well built.

"The guys and I were thinking of hanging out in a bit. Would you like to join us?" Nick turned his head to me as we came closer to the others.

"Umm, I guess I don't mind. Where are we going?" I answered unsurely. I wasn't really sure the other guys wanted me to be there as they hung out. But if Nick invites me, of course I'd like to go.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ashley's high pitched voice. "We're going to our place", she tilted her head and smiled at the guys who were all sweaty from gym "right guys?" she added.

"Great. Let's get going then" Ricky shouted.


I'm really really sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time and that the chapter is so short.
I've just had a lot of problems with my life and my depression. I have a really bad writers block and I just don't find writing that fun anymore.
I promise that I'll try to update more often from now on

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