Chapter 6 - I'm melting!!

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Pentatonix had a rehearsals today, but it was delayed because both Kevin and Avi can't attend and they were so busy,

Kirstie was still scared of telling Scott that she likes him, same with Scott, they were scared telling each other's feeling,

Kirstie need Avi now but unfortunately he's busy,

Kirstie was in her living room,  'How will I tell him? oh please I don't want to make him mad at me and just leave me like that.... I don't want us to be awkward!' Kirstie thought,

See faced a wall and made an Iceball (dk if it's correct) on her right hand and fireball on her left, she combined it to make it big ice and fire ball and she shooted as hard as she can to the wall..... She shooted like a cannon, it was fast and the wall got a big whole on it, she took a breath rapidly and swung her hand to the side to fix the wall back

Her eye colour turned red meaning she really got mad, she heard a doorbell and she ran like a vampire towards the door,she opened the door to see a blond figure sitting on the stairs, she wondered who he is, The blond started to stood up,

At first, she looked down at him then when he stood up, Kirstie widened her eyes and looked up to see him, the blond was perfectly tall and when he turned around, she gasped because it was Scott,

"Scott!!" She yelled in disbelief,

"Hye" He waved his hand and he leaned down to kiss Kirstie's temple, he grabbed her inside and sat on the floor in her living room, "Where's your parents?" Scott asked,

"they went.... on a vacation" she rolled her eyes, "I'm left alone with my sister and Brother" She said while taking out a water and some snacks from the fridge with her power,

"Sister? brother?! you had siblings!!" Scott almost yelled, Kirstie just realized that she hasn't told everyone about her siblings, Mitch only knows about her sister, Kirstie didn't know why she didn't tell them,

"Oh... yeah, I-I'm sorry, I haven't told you yet" Kirstie looked down, Scott hugged her and Kirstie's heart was pounding,

"Would you like to intruduce them?" Scott hugged her like he's hugging a teddy bear,

"Uh... Um, my brother, the eldest.... name's Tanner.... a-and my sister's name is... is Leia" Kirstie said,


I can't believe she didn't tell everyone else about her siblings! now i'm going to be the first person in the group who knows about her siblings.....

"May I see them?" I asked,

"You'll see them soon, they're at their own bedrooms... they... often got out from it, they're always in their bedroom" She answered,

"Oh... okay" I said, "Kirstie?" I looked at her and realized her eye colour were red, "You okay? I just realized that your eye colour were red when you open the door" I blinked many times, she stared at me

"I.... got mad, by something" her eyes slowly turned to light blue as usual (Kirstie's eye colour was light blue in this story) we stared a little and I smiled... I gave her a peck on the lips and she was shocked at it, why? we always did this


I.... was completely melting when he gave me a peck, I want it more but not now, I hugged him tightly until he couldn't breathe,

"I'm sorry" I said letting him go, I smiled like a kid and grabbed his hand, "let's go upstairs!" we stood up and ran to my room

SCOTT'S POV (again)

Her room was beautiful!! It was full of SK drawings, that time when I entered her room in Mitch's apartment, it was full of SK and now, her room was full of SK too!! I wondered what that means

"Wow! your room is full of SK drawing!" I almost yelled, I couldn't help it

"I! Uh! i mean!.... um....oh no" She reached her hand out and almost removed all the SK drawings on the papers and walls but I stopped her,

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked confused,

"Oh I'm so-sorry..... um, it means Smart Kirstie" She giggled and looked away,

"Awwwwww, it's okay... what a smart! you ARE a smart person!" I said, I wish it was Scott Kirstie, that's impossible... I always think of the same thoughts,

She giggled and that made me melt, she ran to me like a kid and hugged me, I was so confused! She hugged me like she's hugging her own father when she was kid!

"I'm like a kid..... or a baby... that's why I did this" she looked up at me, I giggled

"Well, I prefer you're like a baby" I kissed her temple and I picked her up in bridal style and spun, she laughed and started to wrapped her hands around my neck,

"KIRSTIEEEEEE!!!!" I heard a guy's voice calling her, is not that deep and not too high.... it's like between deep and high, I stopped a little while and she stared at me, she didn't want to get down so I just have to stay,

"YEAH??" Kirstie replied,

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?" the voice yelled,

"I'M SORRY!! SCOTT CAMEOVER AND I! D! K! WHY!!" She yelled back,

"Geez, my eardrum broke!" I whispered,

"Sorry" She apologized and covered my right ear,

"OKAY!! I WANT TO SEE HIM SOON!!" The voice said,

"KAY!!!!!" She said, she got down from me, "Sorry that was my brother, Tanner" She smiled, I smiled too,

"Oh Kirstie" I started to think too far, I spun her around and kissed her passionately,


I'm melting!!


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