Uraraka x Toga

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A/N- So this turned into kind of smut (kill me) so please don't read if you're innocent I don't want to ruin a life... ok enjoy pls 👌

"Ooh, you're fun~" Toga gave a wicked smile that stretched across her features as Uraraka threw a blow at her head, narrowly missing her, before stepping back and catching her breath.

Her chest heaved up and down as sweat trickled down her forehead, falling onto the black tank top she dawned, which showed off her plentiful muscle quite nicely in Toga's eyes. 'Hot.' She thought offhandedly. Uraraka's eyes crinkled as her face set into a determined look, and in the dim moonlight, she looked almost ethereal to Toga. 'The perfect specimen,' She thought suddenly, and a giddy laugh erupted from her at this, causing Uraraka to look up in a strange mixture of confusion and hate.

"You're not getting away, not this time." The brown haired girl stood firmly upright, staring at Toga, almost as if challenging her to make the first move and Toga broke out into a smirk once more.

'I could take her blood now... or I could have a little fun for once~'

Toga took a step forward. "Why would I want to leave, when you're right here?" Without warning she launched forward, hoping to take the girl down before she could activate her gravity cancelling quirk.

Caught off guard, Uraraka fell to the ground and felt Toga land on top of her. She struggled to break from the blond's iron grip on her arms and shut her eyes tightly, waiting for the pain of a needle in her side to come. It never did.

Suddenly, Uraraka felt her hands pinned above her head and her eyes snapped open. She came face to face with a characteristically flushed Toga, inches away from her, smirking even wider now.

"W-what are you doing?!" She felt her heartbeat quicken as Toga leaned ever closer.

"Oh, I don't know... just whatever you want me to baby~" She bit down on Uraraka's neck hard, drawing blood and causing said girl to gasp loudly in a mixture of pain and... pleasure?

'What's going on?! And why does that feel kind of good..." Uraraka held back a moan as Toga bit down again, this time on a sweet spot.

"Oh? Do you like that darling? Well.. there's a lot more where that came from," Toga said, her eyes lit up with desire and she smashed her lips into Uraraka's, who to her surprise, began to kiss back with just as much passion.

Their lips moved in sync, fitting together like puzzle pieces. Toga kept Uraraka's hands pinned with one hand and roamed her body with the other, caressing her hips, thighs, and curves as she slipped her tongue into Uraraka's mouth, savoring the pleasantly sweet taste as the girl shuddered and moaned beneath her.

"T-toga~" Uraraka whimpered and a small part of her brain somewhere far off screamed at her to stop. This is wrong, she's a villain. It said, and Uraraka wanted to listen, but the larger part of her brain was nothing but pleasure, it buzzed in her ears and felt so good she couldn't resist.

Just then, a cloud rolled over the moon, momentarily shrouding the two girls in darkness, and almost reluctantly, Toga took her chance.

"This has been fun darling~ It really has," She turned her lips into a pout, "But the league's expecting me and I really must be getting going," Toga removed her hand from Uraraka's thigh deliberately and the girl subconsciously jerked her hips upward at the loss of touch. Toga leaned in near the smaller girl's ear and whispered, "It felt good, right baby? Meet me here tomorrow night, that is, if you want it as much as your body does," She pulled back just in time to see a red hot blush spread slowly across Uraraka's features and smirked, satisfied with the reaction. 'My little pet, you'll fall right into my trap if you're not careful~'

Uraraka was still reeling with desire from Toga's words, so she barely noticed as the girl pulled back and slipped into the darkness, just as moonlight began to illuminate the earth once more.

She laid there for a while, clothes and hair ruffled, lips sore and thighs burning from where Toga had caressed them with her slender fingers, before realizing she was meant to have been back at the dorms hours ago and reluctantly pulling herself up off the cold, hard concrete of the rooftop she'd been fighting on.

"Uraraka, where were you?! We were worried!" Ashido yelled when Uraraka finally slipped through the doors to the dorms, exhausted, and Hagakure shushed her hurriedly.

"Mina it's one a.m., be quiet!" She whisper shouted and Uraraka spared a smile, happy to be back in the norm of her friends after her crazy night.

"Yeah yeah," Mina brushed off Hagakure with impatience, "But seriously, where were you? It's like soooooo late," She flopped onto the couch dramatically and Hagakure laughed.

Uraraka thought back to Toga ~her lips on Uraraka's neck, hand on her thigh~ and flushed deeply, turning a dark shade of red and shifting from foot to foot with a nervous air. "I was uh b-busy with a really hard v-villain! Yeah! It was uh.. tough, but I took em down!" Uraraka gave her best effort at a determined smile, praying the girls wouldn't see through her lies.

"That's so awesome Uraraka! You're totally plus ultra. Are you ok though, you look a little red," Hagakure responded, clearly concerned, and Uraraka breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank god they bought it.'

"Haha, thanks Hagakure. I'm really just tired though, I should get some sleep," She offered a half smile and the other girls nodded in agreement.

Needless to say, Uraraka definitely didn't get much sleep that night. She tossed and turned, whimpering and moaning in her sleep, lost in pleasurable dreams of everything Toga would do to her tomorrow night on the rooftop...

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