Todoroki x Bakugou

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A/N- it's not anywhere near Christmas but have this anyway

"Hey Todoroki~ I like your Christmas sweater, very festive!" Mina giggled, taking in the bright and cheerful red and green striped sweater on the monotone Todoroki, still slightly disheveled from having just arrived at Momo's house.

"Yeah dude, didn't think you'd be one to join in on festivities," Kaminari joined in, slinging his arm around Todoroki's shoulder and grinning widely.

"Thanks," Todoroki replied evenly, unaffected.

He couldn't tell yet if coming to Momo's Christmas party had been a mistake or not, but it was definitely leaning towards the former at the moment.

He carefully removed Kaminari's arm from around his shoulder and made his way through the large party room, searching for Momo, the only reason why he'd even come to this in the first place.

They had surprisingly become something akin to friends since being partnered up for the exam, and Todoroki found he actually rather enjoyed spending time with the blackette.

But now, as his eyes searched the large room filled with nearly everyone in class 1A, there was absolutely no sign of her.

He frowned.

'Great, now what am I supposed to do? I'm definitely not good at making casual conversation.'

"Hey half n' half, the 'ell are you doing here?!" Todoroki didn't have to turn around to know who it was and sighed, mentally preparing himself.

"Bakugou," He greeted, sparing a fleeting glance at the blond and looking him up and down.

He was dressed surprisingly nicely in fitting jeans and a bright red Christmas sweater that was surely Kirishima's doing. Even his eyeliner looked thoroughly well done.


"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Bakugou smirked and Todoroki rolled his eyes, slightly embarrassed from being caught checking the other boy out.

"Sure," He responded carelessly, forcing his attention away from Bakugou and back towards his increasingly unsuccessful search for Momo.

"H-Hey, don't ignore me!" Bakugou growled after a few seconds of silence, "I asked you what you're doing here you off-brand Canadian flag."

"Same as you. Enjoying the party."

"You think I'm enjoying this?! Nothing's enjoyable with that shitty Deku around." Bakugou scoffed and crossed his arms, earning a glare from Todoroki.

"Midoriya's not as bad as you think he is. Maybe you should try being nice to him for once and then he won't be so... 'shitty'."

Bakugou looked slightly startled at Todoroki's stern tone and averted his eyes.

"Tch.. whatever icyhot," He spun on his heel and stalked off.

Todoroki watched him walk away, definitely not staring at his ass in jeans.

"Todoroki! Didn't think you'd actually come," Momo appeared seemingly out of nowhere, sporting a dazzling smile and a festive Santa hat.

"Hello Momo," He responded lightly, allowing a small smile to cross his face in greeting.

Despite Momo's arrival, he continued to stare at Bakugou, who was now across the room with Kirishima and Kaminari. She followed his gaze and raised an eyebrow once her eyes landed on the boy in question.

"Thought you said you were over Bakugou~" She teased, smirking mischievously.

Todoroki sighed and tore his eyes away from the blonde. "I thought I was too."

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