27 - Ace of spades

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"Is it gon be enough? I mean... We got what we need?"

"I don't know. I'm gonna hand everything to Tom. His officers are questioning the men. Hopefully, they'll get them to talk."

"Okay. If you need anything, please call me, I ain't mind the time."

"Sure thing kid, now try and get some rest. We got the accident sorted out, now we need to go over those tapes."

"Ight... Bye." Michael hung up and licked his lips with worry written all over his eyes. He was getting closer to finally making justice but he couldn't get rid of that awful, piercing feeling, stirring in his gut.


He remained in the balcony for a couple more minutes, looking at the night sky above the trees and feeling the breeze hitting his hair before walking back into the bedroom, softly pushing the hideous purple curtain out of his way.  He sat down at the edge of the bed and fiddled with his phone.

How was he gonna face his niece and nephews after this? And Hazel?

How was he gonna look into his mother's eyes?

He buried his face in his hands and sighed. Small, delicate fingers slid up his arm to the nape of his head, caressing him with love and sweetness. "What's wrong?" She gently asked as she rested her chin on his shoulder, kneeling behind him.
Michael raised a hand to stroke her cheek. "I know I'm doing the right thing but... It's still so hard."

She shared his silence for a little while, playing with his curls and holding him. She could tell he needed time to deal with his emotions. Too much had happened and he was only just starting to process it.

"I'm sorry I brought all this on you, Mike... I'm forever grateful but it's still so unfair that you had to..."

He quickly turned around and held her waist with his large hand, staring into her eyes. "Don't. Don't you ever feel guilty. None of what happened was your fault. My brother must pay for what he's done. He's the sole responsible for what's coming to him."

Anger glistened in Laura's eyes as she shook her head "No, he's not. Juliette is equally if not more culpable than him, Michael. If it wasn't for her 'business', none of this would've happened."

He nodded before slowly kissing her lips, then rested his forehead on hers. "And she goin down too, love. I promise you. All of this will be over soon."

"Explain again, how this' gonna work?" Jermaine inquired as he hurried to keep up with Diana. She dominantly strolled down the sidewalk until they arrived at the building's door. She turned around shaking her head to keep her curly mane off her face and glared at him behind her sunglasses.

"We needa make a deal, stupid. You said that good for nothing Brad set him up with that Sunset Strip contract? Well, I bet my man will wanna negotiate, and I'm gonna make sure to be there, ready to take all the credit for saving his multimillion-dollar company from you and your father's claws."

Jermaine scoffed "Yeah, right. And you think he gonna suddenly forget how you messed him up?"

She took a couple of steps closer to hiss at his face. "How do twenty years in jail sound to you, asswipe? Huh?"

He blinked before lowering his gaze.
"Yeah, that's right." She said before turning around to ring the doorbell.

"Yes?" A male voice resounded through the entry intercom speaker and Diana smiled.

"Hello, Bill. Long time no see, darling."

The man took a second before talking again. "Miss Ross, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

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