In the shadows

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Irene Contreras stumbled into her family's mansion, and started tending to her bruises
"Is that you Irene?" A voice called out from the hallway.
"Yes Mother," She replied and finished cleaning her bruise. Irene had been too kind and blindingly trustful, again.
"I'm going out again for a walk in the forest," she explained.
"Do you have any homework?"
"No Mother,"
"At least grab a snack before you go, The cook made some cupcakes earlier,"
"Alright Mother,"
"Be careful Honey"
"I will" Irene replied, and with that she grabbed a fresh cupcake and walked out the back door, and into the forest by the mansion.

The forest was a confusing place, dark and unmapped, but Irene was very familiar with it. She walked through it, gathering flowers and berries, when she heard a rustling in the bushes.
"Hello?" She asked, but there was no reply, she walked towards the bushes
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." She called out, and heard some sniffling, she followed the sound and then she saw it. The animal had hard scales in a scarlet red colour, with small horns, a stout tail, and leathery wings poking out of its back. It was a baby dragon! It looked hurt, one of the wings was bent and its leg was also on a weird angle.
"Oh, you have a broken wing and leg, who did this to you?" Irene asked, oblivious to the seemingly obvious danger, as usual.
The dragon looked around and shook its head, signifying that it was unaware of his attackers identity.
"Where do you live?" The dragon looked around and sniffed, then pointed to the Easternmost section of the forest.
"Let's go then!" Irene exclaimed cheerfully and carefully picked up the dragon, unaware that they was being watched.

When Irene was walking to the east with the baby dragon perched on her shoulder, she noticed a beautiful flower on the ground.
"I am going to lean down okay?" She informed the dragon and then picked the flower, when she heard something hit the tree beside her. She looked at it curiously and noticed that it was a tranquilliser dart! If she hadn't leant down to pick that flower, she could've been hit with it! She looked in the direction it came from and saw someone hiding in the bushes. She took the dart and went over to them.
"Is this yours?" She asked, the man who was hiding looked over to her with a glare, his black hair tangled with leaves
"Yes, also, I need that dragon of yours." He demanded in a rough voice. Irene looked at the dragon, it seemed scared, it recognised the scent of its attacker.
"I am sorry, but I cannot give him to you, I am taking him to his home, he's hurt and I do not want him getting any worse." Irene replied
"If you won't give him to me, then I'll just take him from you!" the attacker bellowed. He lunged towards her, and she saw the telltale glint of a knife in his hand.

"Please, I am sure there's a way that we can resolve this without violence!" She shuddered, then she felt a searing pain in her arm, she screamed.
"You don't like that, do you? The attacker threatened "now just hand over the dragon, or I'll do it again!"
"N-never! You will hurt him!" Irene yelled, and felt the same searing pain in her leg.
"I'll make it clearer for you, hand him over, or I'll kill you!"
"I do not care, I will not let you hurt him as long as I am here!" She seethed. The attacker smirked, Irene saw the bloodied knife hovering above her. Then the attacker struck

The next thing Irene knew, her attacker yelped, and she could smell smoke. A shadow loomed over them, it was a full grown dragon!
"And don't come back!" The larger dragon fumed as the man ran away, patting out his burnt hair. She looked at Irene and her expression softened.
"Thank you, you saved my son, even though you were willing to give your own life in the process." The Female dragon said to Irene "let me heal your wounds, it's the least I can do to repay you" Irene nodded and the Dragoness carefully took her arm in her claw and put the other over it, when she removed them, it was like Irene had never been harmed, the dragoness repeated the process with her leg.
"You are very brave young one, what is your name?" The dragoness asked
"Irene, Irene Contreras" She stated
"Well Irene Contreras, is there anything else I can do for you?" The dragoness replied, healing her sons wing and leg, after which he happily flew up and did a loop-de-loop.
"I'm glad your feeling better Visertes" the dragoness exclaimed watching her son, while awaiting Irenes reply
"I cannot really think of anything ma'am, if you do not mind me calling you that. Irene contemplated
"Oh, sorry my name is Hernandezkora, you may call me Herna" the dragoness replied
"Well, I cannot think of anything else I really want or need Herna" Irene repeated.
"Well if that is the case, i shall show you were our cave is, so you may visit, if you need anything later." Hernandezkora leant down so that Irene could clamber onto her back. Once she was on, Hernandezkora took off

Irene was astounded by the speed at which Hernandezkora had taken off and adored the feeling of the wind whipping through her hair, sadly the ride was over too soon as they landed next to a cave.
"Come in Irene. I'm sure you'll like it." Irene walked in and was immediately dazzled by the beauty. There was lots of precious stones embedded into the wall and the roof was covered with glow-worms, it was a magical place.
"It is beautiful." She said in wonder.
"You can come here if you think of anything else I can do, or just to visit, if you wish I can take you home, if you tell me where it is." Hernandezkora offered. Irene accepted the offer and she took her to the edge of the forest, and gave her some advice.
"I noticed the way you were acting towards that man, you clearly have a kind soul, but you must know some people aren't worth your time, you could have gotten killed back there."
"I suppose your right, thank you Hernandezkora, I will remember that, I hope to see you again soon."
"You will, Irene, you will"

From that day on, Irene was more careful, and didn't get pushed around so much. She visited Hernandezkora and Visertes often, and became very close to them, even going on a few adventures with them. She grew up to be a strong and intelligent young woman, and and got a job as a doctor of medicine, so she could help heal others, like Hernandezkora had healed her, and she would never forget to look after herself.

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