The Taunting Footsteps

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Two sets of loud, steady footsteps. They echoed down the hall. There were two adults based on the volume of them. They weren't too far either. I tried my best to focus on the steps, instead of what was going on in this room. It didn't help. I screamed, as if pleading that whoever might hear would save me. It didn't work. Nothing  worked. EVER. I always feel secluded and alone. Sure there might be scientists but they aren't human- well actually, I guess calling them human is the biggest insult I can give. Atleast monsters don't sell their children because they want to live a little better. Humans are disgusting crea-

I screamed again. I felt my body jolt under whatever tool it was they were using. It was big and had a long, thin, red, glowing line escaping from it. I'm doing good. That's what I keep telling myself. As long as I don't focus on the pain-... everything will be fine. Yeah!-

I screamed. Who am I kidding? Everything is shit. But I mean... it's all I have; That little bit of dwindling hope.

 Right, just don't think about the pain and everything will be fine. Right...

I̷̛̤̥̦̩̝͚̺̦̱͎̠̐̈́̈́͗̄̈́͂͂́̍̿͗̆̇̄͛̄̀́̕̚͜ţ̷͉̰̺̰̱͍̞̺͖̖͙͚̱̼̤̖͕͕͂̊ ̷̢̭͕̬̩̩̼̲͕͖͎̱͇̫̘͇̼̰͕̳̭͎̘̩͍̳̥̥̲̈͑̔͒͑̈́̓͗͛̓͆͌̒͗̉̂͆̆̒̒̔̚͝h̷̻̣̒̂̅͒̅́̅̈́͑̍̂̈́͊͒̐́̄̓̂̓͒̚͘͠ư̶̻̣̗̙̲̭͎͓͖̪̺̪̖͙̘͖̋̔̍̾̈́͒̓́́̇͋͒́̌̐͐͂̈́̉̄̀̍͊͆̕̕̚r̴̢͙̖̟̭̺̱̜͕̗̲͛͊̏̓̇́̈͂͊͊̾̔̉̃̕͝ͅt̵̨̨͙̗̜̼̰̮̖̙̅̑͗̎̐̈́́̾̒͐̚̚s̸̨̧̨̨̫̪̲̤̭̳̳̗̫̗̝̺̲͎͓̤̯̰̱̱̟͎͔̱̪̙͈̦̅̋͋̄͒͗̕ͅ

My head fell to the side, forcing me to look at the bleak, grayish-white walls. The soundproof walls surrounded me. They were covered in blood: my blood. The walls were tinted with a blue-ish light from above. The lights' loud hum was fitting. Footsteps, they're closer now. Maybe they can help me. Please help me. I hate this. I hate these.. Disgusting, cruel, stupid humans. 

A blood curdling scream escaped my throat. They want me to be strong so that I can be their weapon. These people around me are fucking crazy. Why can't I leave yet? I want to be done with this. The lights are so loud, I hate it. Just leave me alone already. Walls. Disgusting, red- no- gray walls. Haha. 

I felt my thoughts getting more scattered. The ugly, blood stained, insanity driving walls cornered me in my thoughts. I can't focus. I want to leave. Let me out. Please. PLEASE. 

I begged to be brought out of this torture. I felt my eyes being repetitively stung by tears. I was finally able to look back up at the white, tiled ceiling. You've seen everything haven't you? Unlike the walls you seem kind and forgiving. There was somehow no blood on it. Kind of like a god looking down at me, pitying me and my circumstances. If you could speak I bet you'd be my first friend. Footsteps. They eventually passed me. Why?

I winced. The long glowing red line from the machinery escaped from the machine. I wish I could be like that line. I wish I was able to escape from somewhere so quickly and find a new place. It stung though. I didn't want to be like that at all. I have always hated the idea of hurting innocent people. Footsteps. Where are those people going? Why won't they help me. Fuck you too.-

I began to cry again. All they did was watch. Those fucking scientists. I want to kill them. I want to do the same thing they did to me. A faint smile crossed my lips. I like thinking about what I would do when I get out of here. I always imagine slowly dragging that red beam across their entire body. Maybe slowly crushing their bones as they scream. I'm not to sure yet. I'll figure it out when I get there. Footsteps. Right.-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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